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Naviscan公司的PEM能夠有效檢測乳房小腫瘤 【?2005-03-08 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一項近期進行的研究試圖確定是否正電子發射乳房影像檢查(PEM)通過高清晰度正電子發射影像掃描捕獲影像能否有效鑒別那些已經被傳統乳房影像檢查手段發現的乳房病變是良性的還是惡性的。 前瞻性的、研究院評審委員會(Institutional Review Board)批準的臨床試驗是由Naviscan PET系統集團主持的,該集團公司是這項臨床試驗中使用的PET掃描儀(Pem Flex)的開發商,28例女性患者通過乳房X線攝影術、超聲波、核磁共振、和/或者觸診發現了34個病變;在靜脈注射10-15mCI F-18deoxyglucose(FDG)后,接受了PEM影像檢查。通過在可疑病變區域對痕量物質的局灶性增加來評估影像;定量比例為病變/背景。對影像的解釋結果與27例患者32個病變的活檢結果進行了比較。其余兩例乳房病變在接受活檢之前已經縮小或者消退,因此取消了活檢。 PEM影像檢查成功地鑒別了88%的乳房病變,陽性預測值為94%。PEM鑒別出了幾個乳房X線影像檢查沒有發現的病變,導致了患者治療方法的改變。在2例患者中發現了多生發中心病變。在這兩個患者中的一個,對側乳房也發現了病變。在1例活檢證實的不典型導管增生患者中,PEM鑒別出了一個不典型導管增生以及一個未被懷疑的腫瘤。這些結果在2004年11月芝加哥舉行的北美放射學會上進行了報道。 根據研究人員的說法,這項研究證實了PEM顯示了能夠精確預測那些由其它影像檢查或者體檢發現的乳房病變的能力。它還能有效檢測同側或者對側乳房未被懷疑的區域。 In a prospective, Institutional Review Board- (IRB)-approved clinical study conducted by Naviscan PET Systems, Inc. (Rockville, MD, USA), the developer of the PET scanner used in the study (Pem Flex), 28 consecutive women with 34 abnormalities detected by mammography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and/or palpation underwent imaging of each breast with PEM, following an intravenous injection of 10-15 mCI F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). Images were assessed for a focally increased uptake of trace at the area of a suspicious abnormality; a quantitative ratio of lesion/background. The image interpretation findings were compared to biopsy results in 27 patients with 32 lesions. The remaining two breast abnormalities decreased or resolved in size before biopsy, and the biopsy was thereby cancelled. PEM imaging successfully characterized 88% of the breast lesions, with a positive predictive value of 94%. PEM identified several lesions not found on mammography that then led to changes in patient treatment. In two patients, multicentricity was found. In one of two patients, the contralateral breast was involved. In one patient with biopsy-confirmed atypical ductal hyperplasia, PEM identified an atypical ductal hyperplasia and an unsuspected tumor. The results were presented at the 2004 Radiological Society of North America Congress held in Chicago, IL, USA, last November. This study demonstrated that PEM shows potential as a way to accurately predict the status of breast abnormalities detected by other imaging modalities or physical examination, according to the investigators. It may also play a role in detecting unsuspected additional areas of disease in the same or contralateral breast. 本文關鍵字:
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