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Gebr. Martin的整合肩關節植入系統

【?2005-03-14 發布?】 美迪醫訊

ISIS系統使得整型外科醫生和創傷科醫生能夠針對肩關節骨折進行治療。同時ISIS也代表了Gebrüder Martin公司正在快速增長的上肢產品的一個模塊。



ISIS - Integrated Shoulder Implant System by Gebr. Martin

ISIS allows targeted shoulder fracture treatment for orthopedists and traumatologists. At the same time, ISIS represents another module in Gebrüder Martin's growing range of products for the upper extremity.

Fractures of the upper arm (humerus), the acromioclavicular joint or the collarbone (clavicula) are frequently caused by body contact sports, traffic accidents and accidents at home or at work. Besides, some types of fracture are often observed in older persons as a result of systemic diseases. Apart from radial fractures, clavicular fractures represent the second most frequent fractures of the upper extremity. As shoulder flexibility is mainly guaranteed by the ligamental structures connecting the bone processes with each other, these structures are of particular importance and must be duly taken into account in surgical shoulder fracture treatment.

The ISIS system with its plates and fixed-angle screws has been specially designed for the following three types of fracture:
AC plate - hooked plate for the acromioclavicular joint
BC plate - plate for proximal humeral fractures
CC plate - plate for middle-section clavicular fractures

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