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Frost&Sullivan預計睡眠描計儀器的需求將不斷增加 【?2005-03-21 發布?】 美迪醫訊
盡管患者和醫生對呼吸暫停認識普遍不足,歐洲用于睡眠暫停診斷市場在2004年據估計增加了12%,達到了5千萬美元。根據國際市場營銷咨詢公司Frost&Sullivan(Palo Alto, CA, USA)的一項最新報道,公眾和醫務人員對此疾病認識提高,在2011年醫療賠償和投資增加所獲得的稅收將達到9千8百萬美元。 人口老齡化以及肥胖病例增多也使得患病人群增加,睡眠診所的數量也不斷增多。另外一個促使市場擴大動力來自心血管科,他們對睡眠暫停與心血管疾病例如充血性心衰之間聯系的認識正在逐步增加。同時,固定睡眠描計(PSG)設備也正在研究之中,比如能夠在家中使用的基于動態心電圖監測儀的移動性和便攜式PSGs。自動設置的機器和改善的用戶界面提高了患者舒適程度,同時也改善了患者依從性。 Fiona Rahman是Frost&Sullivan的研究分析人員,他說:“市場總體增加的絕大部分來自固定PSG部門,因為這種設備預期將廣泛用于睡眠暫停診斷市場。但是,進一步的高速增長預期來自便攜式和移動PSGs,因為這正在成為診斷的首選設備,能夠在家中使用并與心血管診斷相整合。” An aging population and increasing obesity cases are boosting the patient population, and the number of sleep clinics is expanding. Another driver to market expansion is the cardiology sector, which is beginning to recognize the importance of sleep apnea and its links with cardiac diseases such as congestive heart failure. Meanwhile, alternatives to fixed polysomnography (PSG) are being investigated, such as ambulatory and portable PSGs based on electrocardiogram (ECG) Holter monitors that can be used at home. Auto-setting machines and improved interfaces that promote patient comfort are also poised to improve compliance. “The majority of total market growth is expected to be in the fixed PSG segment since this is expected to continue to be the most widely used sleep apnea diagnostic device,” said Fiona Rahman, a research analyst with Frost & Sullivan. “However, further high growth is expected to be found in portable and ambulatory PSGs, as they are becoming preferred choices of diagnostics, as they can be used at home and integrated with cardiac disease diagnostics.” 本文關鍵字:
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