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【?2005-03-23 發布?】 美迪醫訊



多種格式打印應用軟件能夠在敲擊按鈕之后就可以從CR影像生成數字膠片。然后影像被拖曳釋放至用戶格式的膠片布局圖中,或者已經保存的自定義模板中。在布局圖中的影像能夠被獨立調整焦距、切割、設置窗口、旋轉、翻轉,并做標簽來在一個文件中進行復雜的研究。多個影像能夠輕易顯示出來;直觀的鼠標拖曳窗口和水平能夠制作精確影像。軟件模塊完全與DICOM3.0兼容,并已經與所有主要品牌的影像檢測儀進行了測試。所有三種模塊都是由iCRco公司(Torrance, CA, USA)研制開發的。
Computed Radiography Software Modules
A Smart Box software module has been developed to quickly and intuitively generate an optimal window and level setting for a computed radiograph image, based on the characteristics of a rectangular image area. This feature improves the workflow and reduces the necessity of manual quality control of images before they are sent for reading. The software is also accessible in a touch-screen interface.

The Edge Interactive Processing software assigns digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) anatomies and automatically processes 16-bit computed radiography (CR) images, producing excellent high-resolution images. Coupled with the Smart Box module, the Edge software produces crisp clear images from a 16-bit source. The user can configure and create any custom presets to adjust processing strengths of specific anatomies. The custom presets are then applied to the Edge interactive processing to improve and create a greater and more efficient workflow. A true 16-bit capture system combined with the enhanced Edge processing software provides excellent digital quality.

The Multiformat Print Application software creates digital films from CR images with the click of a button. Images are then dragged and dropped into a user-formatted film layout or a saved custom template. Images in a layout can be independently zoomed, panned, window/leveled, rotated, flipped, inverted, and labeled to create a complex study on one file. Multiple images are displayed easily; the intuitive mouse-driven window and level create precise images. The software modules are fully DICOM 3.0-compliant and tested to all major brands of imagers. All three modules were developed by iCRco (Torrance, CA, USA).

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