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首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > PARI與Vapore公司合作開發神奇的呼吸道疾病護理新技術 |
PARI與Vapore公司合作開發神奇的呼吸道疾病護理新技術 【?2005-04-08 發布?】 美迪醫訊
新技術利用熱能和毛細管作用,迅速將液體轉化為氣體;這項技術有望引起呼吸道與濕化治療的進展。 大約只有一片阿司匹林片劑的大小,這項技術開始研發用于野營便攜爐子,因為它能夠迅速將液體燃油轉變成氣體,通過高效噴氣作用釋放出來。產生的氣體更容易利用,因為這是真正的氣體,意味著在處理過程中沒有液體小滴的生成,因此在氣體形成之前不需要揮發作用。同時這項技術不需要利用移動部件,因此沒有復雜的拆卸組件。 這項技術叫做毛細管動力噴霧器,是由Vapore集團公司(Richmond, CA, USA)開發的。蒸發器是由陶瓷盤制成的。當在陶瓷盤底部添加液體的時候,毛細管動力通過陶瓷盤來提升液體,和將水輸送到樹頂部的途徑相似。然后在陶瓷盤頂部使用熱能,將液體“相變”轉化為氣體通過開口釋放出來。 Vapore公司與原始設備制造商(OEMs)合作,研制開發第一代使用這種技術的產品。PARI創新制造商(Midlothian, VA, USA)已經獲得執照在全球范圍內將該項技術用于呼吸道護理。在測試中,PARI和Vapore的工程師制造了一種增濕器,能夠在2~3秒鐘內產生氣體,體積只有D號電池大小。測試發現效率極高,達到使用能源的93%。PARI嘗試將這種技術最終用于醫院的通風設備、嬰兒保溫箱以及其它用途之中。 PARI總裁兼首席執行官Werner Gutmann說:“我們十分高興能夠成為Vapore集團的合作伙伴,將這項新技術推廣到醫療系統,并期望與制藥公司、設備制造商合作,以進一步提高呼吸與濕化治療的水平。” About the size of an aspirin tablet, the technology was initially developed for camping stoves due to its ability to turn liquid fuel into vapor and release it with a high-velocity jet action. The resulting vapor is more readily usable because it is a true vapor, meaning that liquid droplets are not created during the process and therefore do not need to evaporate before a vapor is formed. Also, the technology does not utilize moving parts, so there are no complicated, breakable components. The technology, called capillary force vaporizer, was created by Vapore, Inc. (Richmond, CA, USA). The vaporizer is made of ceramic discs. When liquid is supplied at the bottom of the discs, capillary forces lift the liquid through the discs, similar to the way water is brought to the top of a tree. Heat is then applied to the top of the discs and phase transition turns the liquid into a vapor that is released through an opening. Vapore is working with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) on developing first-generation products utilizing the technology. PARI Innovative Manufacturers (Midlothian, VA, USA) has licensed the technology for use in respiratory care worldwide. In testing, PARI and Vapore engineers were able to create a humidifier that generated vapor in two or three seconds and was the size of a D battery. The test was extremely efficient with a 93% energy-use rating. PARI sees the eventual use of this technology for hospital ventilators, infant incubators, and other applications. “We are pleased to partner with Vapore, Inc. to bring this new technology to the medical community and look forward to partnering with pharmaceutical companies and device manufacturers to further improve breathing and humidification treatments,” said Werner Gutmann, president and CEO of PARI. 本文關鍵字:
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