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首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Agfa公司構建新型醫療保健信息技術平臺 |
Agfa公司構建新型醫療保健信息技術平臺 【?2005-04-10 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種信息技術(IT)平臺允許醫療保健提供者以較低成本改善患者臨床預后以及患者護理。 這種由Agfa公司(Mortsel, Belgium)研制開發的平臺綜合了Orbis與Impax系統。Orbis是由GWI公司(Vancouver, WA, USA)研制開發的,是一種企業內使用的信息技術平臺以及整合了醫院內所用行政與臨床資料的配套應用軟件。Agfa公司的圖像存檔與通信系統(PACS)聯合使用Impax,這就在專門定制的高水平整合框架內,提供了復雜的醫療保健信息技術配套系統,。 Agfa近期獲得了GWI,這是一家研制開發醫療保健信息系統的歐洲公司,Orbis和Symphonie在線的最初開發商,法國醫院信息系統的領先供應商。這項決策允許Agfa部署各國政府都在鼓勵醫療保健提供者采用的電子醫療記錄。Agfa現在為各種規模的醫療保健提供者提供了所需要的臨床、行政與診斷系統的整合功能與協同工作的能力。 Agfa醫療保健戰略的核心是Orbis平臺及其優越的工作流程與信息控制能力。Orbis包括100多個模塊,能夠根據醫院需求的增加與變化創建以及定制。這項能夠與臨床工作流程驅動的Impax系統的深度進行無縫整合。 Agfa保健護理業務組總裁Philippe Houssiau說:“醫療保健工作人員與專家需要更好的進入關鍵信息的途徑以及決策支持工具,使得他們能夠以較低成本改善患者的護理。Agfa的專長側重于對醫院整體與臨床核心與深度進行合并與整合。” Healthcare Information Technology Platform The platform, developed by Agfa (Mortsel, Belgium) will combine Orbis and Impax systems. Orbis, developed by GWI (Vancouver, WA, USA), is an enterprise-wide IT platform and suite of applications that integrates all administrative and clinical data within a hospital. Combined with Impax, Agfa’s picture archiving and communications system (PACS), this provides a comprehensive suite of healthcare IT systems within a framework that is customizable with a high level of integration. Agfa recently acquired GWI, a European company that develops healthcare information systems, the original developer of Orbis and Symphonie On Line, and a leading vendor in France in hospital information systems (HIS). This decision allows Agfa to implement the electronic medical record (EMR) that governments worldwide are encouraging healthcare providers to adopt. Agfa now provides the required integration and interoperability of clinical, administrative, and diagnostic systems to healthcare providers of all sizes. A central focus of Agfa’s healthcare strategy is the Orbis platform and its unique workflow and information-management capabilities. Orbis contains over 100 modules that can be used to build and customize at the point of care, according to hospitals’ growing and changing needs. These can be seamlessly integrated with the clinical depth of the workflow-driven Impax system. “Healthcare facilities and medical professionals need better access to critical information and decision-support tools that will allow them to continually improve patient care at lower cost. Agfa’s strength lies in the combination and integration of the holistic approach and the clinical focus and depth,” said Philippe Houssiau, president, HealthCare Business Group, Agfa. The system has already been installed in over 600 sites in Europe. 本文關鍵字:
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