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西門子公司的550TxT型放射治療臺 【?2005-04-18 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種新型放射治療臺被設計滿足對穩定性與精確性不斷增加的需求,符合現代放射腫瘤科的最新臨床需要。 西門子醫學公司研制了550TxT治療臺,具有改良的患者定位功能的創新性設計,提供的機械力高達負荷550磅(220公斤)。 西門子醫療公司腫瘤學護理系統總裁Ajit Singh博士指出:“就象我們公司的Oncor直線加速器和Coherence腫瘤科工作臺一樣,550TxT治療桌設計用于滿足當前與將來的治療方案的需求。我們的客戶合作伙伴為我們提出了需求清單,我們則努力工作滿足他們的需要。當治療體積較大患者時候的可用性以及精確性已經在真實環境中得以驗證。我們十分高興能夠滿足臨床需求?!?/P> 這種治療臺的其它特征包括:不同炭纖維臺面的選擇、具有斜面加速功能的全自動移動方式、人類環境改造學的設計特征(比如治療臺側面的觸覺反饋控制按鈕)、安裝在治療臺內的手控閃光燈以幫助在黑暗治療室內糾正患者位置。 The 550 TxT table, developed by Siemens Medical Systems (Erlangen, Germany), has an innovative design that improves patient positioning capabilities, while providing the mechanical strength that allows for a load capacity of 550 pounds (250 kg). “Like our Oncor linear accelerator and Coherence suite of oncology workspaces, the 550 TxT is designed to meet the needs of current and future treatment protocols,” stated Ajit Singh, Ph.D., president of Siemens Medical Solutions Oncology Care Systems. “Our customer partners provided us with a list of requirements, and we have worked hard to achieve their requests. Availability and accuracy when treating larger patients has been identified as a very real necessity. We are only too happy to comply.” Other features of the table include: a choice of different carbon fiber tabletops; all motorized movements with ramp-up speed functionality; ergonomic design features, such as tactile feedback buttons on the side panels of the table; and hand controls at the table with an integrated flashlight to assist with correct patient-positioning in the darkened treatment room. 本文關鍵字:
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