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【?2005-04-24 發布?】 美迪醫訊



“我們十分高興,能夠有機會參與到這樣一個在醫院環境內創造全新的隔離環境的試驗中”。IEMH主任Mark Davis醫生如此評論說。該項測試在Stratus中心進行,這是Brigham與婦女醫院的急診室模擬環境。

這套隔離系統叫做IsoArk,是由Beth-El Zikhron Yaaqov工業公司(Yaaqov, Israel)制造的。該公司是化學、生物、放射保護技術的提供者。Beth El公司在美國的市場代表、Collective保護工程公司商業發展部副總裁Dan Collier指出。“IsoArk為醫院提供了價廉物美的選擇,可以替代為患者隔離基礎設施所花費的巨大投資。”
Portable Isolation System for ED
A collapsible, negative-pressure isolation chamber is being tested to determine how it might aid life-saving operational procedures in the emergency department.

The test is being conducted by investigators at the Institute for International Emergency Medicine and Health (IEMH) at Harvard’s teaching hospital, Brigham and Women’s (Boston, MA, USA). The investigators are using integrated computer systems and manikins to simulate a wide array of medical procedures and to evaluate how their performance inside the chamber affects patient and team safety. The chamber can be erected within 20 minutes within a hospital to provide a full isolation solution and then be stored away when not needed.

“We are excited to have the opportunity to participate in an entirely new approach to the creation of isolation capabilities within hospitals, said Mark Davis, M.D., director of the IEMH. The test is being conducted in the Stratus Center, an emergency room simulation facility at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

The isolation system, called IsoArk, is manufactured by Beth-El Zikhron Yaaqov Industries (Yaaqov, Israel). The company is a supplier of chemical, biologic, and radiologic protection technology. “The IsoArk gives hospitals a cost-effective alternative to the huge investments in infrastructure spent on patient isolation,” noted Dan Collier, vice president, business development, Collective Protection Engineering, Inc. (Halethorpe, MD, USA), Beth El’s marketing representative in the United States.

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