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【?2005-05-01 發(fā)布?】 美迪醫(yī)訊





Abnormal CT May Help Smokers Quit
Smokers who receive multiple abnormal findings with low-dose, spiral chest computed tomography (CT) scans to screen for lung cancer are more apt to quit, according to a new study.

The study, which was published in the May 15, 2005, issue of the journal Cancer, showed that smokers who receive one or more abnormal CT scans are increasingly likely to stop smoking and remain abstinent from smoking over three years. Because up to 70% of smokers who undergo screening reported that they want to quit, many clinicians have been interested in using CT scan findings as an opportunity to inspire smokers to quit. Earlier studies have demonstrated smokers recently diagnosed with medical problems are more interested, and successful at, stopping.

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic (Rochester, MN, USA; www.mayo.edu), monitored 926 baseline smokers and 594 former smokers who received three consecutive annual spiral chest CT scans. They discovered that the more abnormal scans the smokers received, the more likely they were to stop smoking and remain smoke-free at the end of three years. After the third follow-up visit, 42% of baseline smokers who had three abnormal scans were smoke-free, compared to 28% who had two abnormal scans, and 24% and 20% who had one or no abnormal scans, respectively. Factors that added to smoking cessation among baseline smokers were older age, previous year abnormal CT scan, and decreased baseline pulmonary function.

The authors concluded in their article, “multiple lung CT scans may enhance primary and secondary prevention efforts by potentially providing increased interaction with health care providers, increased cognitions about one’s own cancer risk, and reinforcement for smoking abstinence with lung CT scan screening.”

本文關(guān)鍵字: CT檢查,吸煙者,戒煙 
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