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CT速度的巨大突破 【?2005-06-06 發布?】 美迪醫訊
aaa根據一項新研究,最近開發的數字技術使計算機控制X線斷層掃描術(CT)技術推進了一大步。 InstaRecon (Urbana, IL, USA) 的研究者們已經設計出可以提供幾乎所有瞬間、實時重建復雜三維圖像的運算法則。新的CT系統可以在10妙內掃描整個身體,收集4000個圖像平面的數據。然而,這些圖像的重建仍舊滯后,需要幾分鐘。Yoram Bresler,InstaRecon的主席說:“我們的目標是加速圖像重建的速度,以至于能在數據收集的同時成像。” 實時重建對諸如X線透視檢查等醫學程序來說是很重要的,借此臨床醫生可以將導管移動至心臟。“醫生需要能在導管移動的時候看到他,”Bresler先生解釋說,“醫生不能容忍圖像重建中的延遲,否則他們將不能知道導管在當下的確切位置。通過我們的方法,我們可以通過從10到100的因子加速圖像重建,從而使實時、完整的3D效果成為可能。” 不僅圖像重建的完成速度更快,并且,更重要的是,從長遠來看病人能更少的接受X線的照射。如果數據重建能更快完成的話,放射劑量就能減少。通過這個來自InstaRecon運算法則的速度加速技術,CT掃描系統就能做到。CT掃描能數倍提升計算速度,以難以置信的速度運行,減少必須接受的放射劑量。 速度的增快還可以幫助世界范圍內的安全代理商掃描更多的包裹和集裝箱。InstaRecon最先在Urbana-Champaign伊利諾伊州大學(USA)開展研究,在那里調查人員設計出最快的圖像重建運算法則。這項技術受到6個美國的保護,在全世界范圍內處于申請期。 Breakthrough in CT Speed Researchers at InstaRecon (Urbana, IL, USA) have devised algorithms that can provide almost instantaneous, real-time reconstruction of complicated, three-dimensional (3D) images. Newer CT systems can scan the whole body in 10 seconds, gathering data for 4,000 image slices. However, reconstruction of those images still falls behind, taking several minutes. “Our goal has been to speed up the image reconstruction so it happens at the same time that the data are collected,” stated Yoram Bresler, president of InstaRecon. Real-time reconstruction is important in medical procedures such as fluoroscopy, in which clinicians move a catheter through the heart. “Doctors need to be able to see the catheter as it’s moving,” explained Mr. Bresler. “Doctors cannot tolerate a delay in image reconstruction or they will not know exactly where the catheter is at any given moment. With our method, we can speed up image reconstruction by a factor of 10 to 100, so it should be possible to have full 3D resolution in real-time.” Not only would the image reconstruction be performed quicker, but, maybe even more important, patients may receive less exposure to x-rays in the long run. Radiation dose can be decreased if the devices are able to reconstruct the data much faster, correcting the results each time. With this speed enhancement technology from the InstaRecon algorithms, CT scanning systems will be able to provide this. CT scanners will be able to compute images many times over, at incredible speeds, reducing the required radiation dose. Increased speed would also help security agents worldwide scan more packages and containers. InstaRecon had its beginnings at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA), where the investigators devised the fast image reconstruction algorithms. The technology is protected by six U.S. patents, with many others pending worldwide. 本文關鍵字:
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