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【?2005-06-12 發布?】 美迪醫訊

即將在2005年6月19日舉行的美國醫學超聲波研究院(AIUM, Laurel, MD, USA)第50屆年度會議上,AIUM將為醫學診斷超聲波檢測做出特殊貢獻的幾位個人頒發獎金。

2005年度William J. Fry榮譽演講獎金獲得者將會是Richard Mayer醫生。Meyer醫生是一位對超聲波在生物學和醫學中應用有著強烈興趣的物理學家,他的創新性研究在診斷聲學檢查領域取得了巨大進展。在1969年,William J. Fry榮譽演講獎金意識到個人對醫學超聲檢查領域做出了巨大的科學貢獻,以他的名義建立了該獎金。

2005年Joseph H. Holmes先驅獎金將歸于Barbara Gosink醫生(臨床科學類),George Kossoff(基礎可以類)。該項獎金建立于1977年,為了獎勵為診斷超聲波發展做出貢獻的個人。Holmes醫生在診斷超聲領域和AIUM都是一位極其重要的人物。

2005年Sonographer獎金在獎勵給Cindy Rapp, RDMA, RDCS。該獎金建立于1997年,獎勵給為超聲診斷做出特殊貢獻的AIUM成員。

2005年榮譽學者獎金將會獎勵給Michel Claudon醫生。該獎金授予為超聲診斷領域做出貢獻的非會員個人。Claudon醫生將會得到AIUM的終身榮譽成員資格。

AIUM Honors Ultrasound Pioneers
The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM, Laurel, MD, USA) will present awards to several individuals who have significantly contributed to the field of medical diagnostic ultrasound at the 2005 AIUM 50th Anniversary Convention, in Orlando (FL, USA) on June 19, 2005.

The 2005 William J. Fry Memorial Lecture Award recipient will be Richard Mayer, M.D. Dr. Meyer was a physicist with a strong interest in ultrasound in biology and medicine, whose innovative studies advanced the field of diagnostic sonography. In 1969, the William J. Fry Lecture Award, which recognizes a person who has considerably contributed to the scientific progress of medical diagnostic ultrasound, was established in his honor.

The 2005 Joseph H. Holmes Pioneer Award will go to Barbara Gosink, M.D., in the category of clinical science, and to George Kossoff, D.SC.Eng., in basic science. The award was established in 1977 to honor individuals who have contributed to the growth and development of diagnostic ultrasound. Dr. Holmes was an important individual in both the field of diagnostic ultrasound and the AIUM.

The 2005 Sonographer Award will be presented to Cindy Rapp, RDMA, RDCS. Established in 1997, this award is a means of honoring an AIUM member sonographer whose outstanding contributions to the development of diagnostic ultrasound deserve special merit.

The 2005 Honorary Fellow Award will be presented to Michel Claudon, M.D. This award recognizes nonmembers who have contributed significantly to the field of ultrasound. Dr. Claudon will receive a complimentary lifetime membership to the AIUM.

The AIUM is a multidisciplinary organization dedicated to advancing the science of ultrasound in medicine and research.

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