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【?2005-06-30 發布?】 美迪醫訊



根據德國Heidelberg大學J. Motsch教授的說法:靜脈給予麻醉藥可以減少手術后的副作用,并能夠精確控制恢復時間,這能夠顯著降低過程的成本。

Zeus還提供整合麻醉效果監測的便利,這樣對患者大腦鎮靜作用能夠通過Infinity BIX SmartPod使用最新的BIX XP技術來監測,而患者的肌肉松弛程度能夠通過Infinity Trident Pod來檢測,這可以反映神經肌肉傳輸功能。這種工作臺是Draeger公司的產品。
Workstation Monitors Anesthesia
An anesthesia workstation with a system for intravenous drugs allows for all current anesthesia drugs to be administered, from balanced anesthesia to total intravenous anesthesia.

The IVenus system consists of an admission station and up to four syringe pump modules. It is integrated into the Zeus anesthesia system, where power is supplied and data are exchanged by means of a single cable. The user controls and monitors the administration of the IV drugs and the delivery of the anesthetic from the Zeus system monitor directly.

The advantages of IV anesthesia are a reduction in postoperative side effects as well as more precise control of recovery time, which lead to significantly lower process costs, according to Prof. J. Motsch, M.D., University of Heidelberg (Germany).

Zeus also offers now the comfort of integrated anesthesia-effect monitoring, in which the effects of sedation on the patient’s brain are measured and monitored by the Infinity BIX SmartPod using the latest BIX XP technology, and the patient’s muscle relaxation levels are monitored by the Infinity Trident Pod, which measures neuromuscular transmission.
The workstation is the product of Draeger Medical AG (Lubeck, Germany).

本文關鍵字: Draeger公司,麻醉工作臺 
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