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這種新型CALM (computer-assisted labor management,計算機輔助分娩控制)肩先露篩查是以能夠提高預測成功率改進檢查結果的軟件為基礎的。這套系統是由LMS醫療系統(Montreal, Canada)研制開發的。

LMS公司首席醫療官和創始人Emily Hamilton說:“我們公司的新型預測模型,能夠改進早期預測和假陽性率,從而增加了嚴重生殖并發癥患者獲得良好預后的機會以及患者的安全性。使用CALM肩先露篩查系統,醫療保健團隊能夠獲得經驗性的信息,可以制定干預措施、設計臨床方案,給妊娠婦女和臨床醫生提供有價值的選擇。”


Tool for Predicting Shoulder Dystocia
A new tool predicts shoulder dystocia, which happens when a baby’s head has been born but the shoulders are still trapped in the birth canal.

The difficulty of delivering a baby vaginally can increase after the head is born, particularly when the size and position of the shoulders are unfavorable, creating a true emergency. The umbilical cord can become compressed, reducing the amount of oxygen supplied to the baby. In addition, the obstetrician may have to use a series of risky maneuvers that may stretch or injure the nerves leading to the arm. Neonatal injuries associated with severe shoulder dystocia can include brachial plexus injury, clavicular fracture, and, very rarely, brain damage or death. Low detection rates or unduly high false-positive rates have made current detection methods unsatisfactory.

The new CALM (computer-assisted labor management) Shoulder Screen is based on software that improves prediction and results in better outcomes. The system was developed by LMS Medical Systems (Montreal, Canada).

“Our new predictive model has the capacity to improve both early prediction and false-positive rates, resulting in an opportunity to improve outcomes and patient safety from this serious birth complication,” stated Dr. Emily Hamilton, chief medical officer and founder of LMS. “With CALM Shoulder Screen, healthcare teams will have empirical information upon which to base policies of intervention, design clinical protocols, and empower women and clinicians to make informed choices.”

The LMS Computer-Assisted Labor Management parent product provides doctors and nursing staff with innovative obstetrical decision-support and risk-management tools integrated into robust clinical information systems designed to improve outcomes and patient care for mothers and their infants during delivery.

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