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ASR公司獲準銷售得一系列醫療診斷設備 【?2005-07-22 發布?】 美迪醫訊
這些檢測項目將會為醫生診所和醫院中現在使用的檢測項目發生顯著的改進。根據ASR的觀點,Analyticon公司已經制定了床邊檢測的新標準,包括尿液分析設備以及在臨床使用的相關檢測條帶。ASR將展示Analyticon公司的具有知識產權的高速機器人尿液分析儀能夠同時進行超過10項診斷檢查,其內置計算機顯微鏡系統,能夠鑒別、分類以及存檔顯微鏡下的結晶,這些結晶是某些特定疾病狀態的指針。 ASR將獲得Analyticon公司的納米球工藝,計劃在2005年秋季發布。ASR的一家分支機構Ulster科學公司總裁Peter Lordi說:“這種新型條帶技術能夠整合電子探頭,作為高速計算機設備的組成部件。這種新型快速檢測方法將會極大提高診斷檢測的效率,比如說傳染性疾病的鑒別?!?/P> ASR是一家控股公司,由3家核心運作機構組成:Ulster科學公司、Hart Smart公司和Kidz-Med公司,是實驗室診斷設備和兒科患者醫學產品的銷售商。 The tests feature significant improvements over existing test procedures performed in doctors’ offices, clinics, and hospitals. In ASR’s opinion, Analyticon has set new standards in point-of-care (POC) testing that include improving urine analysis instrumentation and associated test strips routinely used in clinical settings. ASR will unveil Analyticon’s high-speed proprietary robotic urine analyzer that can perform simultaneously more than 10 diagnostic determinations, detecting levels of bilirubin, ketones, and glucose, among others. This instrument, which has a computerized built-in microscope system, can also identify, classify, and archive microscopic crystals that are indications of certain disease states. ASR will also have exclusive rights to market Analyticon’s nanosphere technology, scheduled for release in the fall of 2005. “This new strip technology can be incorporated into electronic sensors as a component of high-speed computerized instrumentation,” observed Peter Lordi, president of Ulster Scientific, a division of ASR. “The new approach to rapid assay testing will greatly improve the efficiency of diagnostic testing, such as infective disease identification.” ASR is a holding company, comprised of three core operating subsidiaries: Ulster Scientific, Hart Smart System, Inc., and Kidz-Med, Inc., a distributor of laboratory diagnostic equipment and medical products for pediatric patients. 本文關鍵字:
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