
  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > ContextVision公司推出數字乳房X線照相術增強系統  


【?2005-07-24 發布?】 美迪醫訊


GOPView Mammo系統是由ContextVision(Kista, Sweden)公司研制成功的,具有復雜的厚度均衡功能,能夠在最佳條件沒有窗口的條件下觀察整個乳房,能夠進行功能調節適應不同類型的乳房,使不同患者在同一可靠的條件下展示圖象。


ContextVision公司市場經理Peter Kovamees說:“GOPView Mammo為數字乳房X線照相術的競技舞臺提供了新的標準,滿足了制造商的緊迫要求。患者和醫生都降從GOPView Mammo對整個乳房影象的最佳化處理改進圖象質量中獲益。”

ContextVision is a leading independent developer of medical imaging enhancement, analyses, and processing technologies serving original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and distributors.
ContextVision是一家獨立的研制開發商、原始設備制造商和銷售商, 在醫學影象增強系統、分析和處理技術方面處于領先地位。
Digital Mammography Enhancement
A new image enhancement system for digital mammography provides advanced functionality for retrieving subtle and significant structures while simultaneously suppressing noise in mammography images.

The GOPView Mammo, developed by ContextVision (Kista, Sweden), features sophisticated thickness equalization that enables optimal visualization of the whole breast without windowing, as well as an adaptive functionality for different types of breasts, allowing homogeneous and reliable display from patient to patient.

The system provides improved depth visualization, allowing easier separation of overlapping tissue, an important requirement for mammography specialists. The ability to achieve noise suppression and simultaneously enhance structural details, such as microcalcifications and blood vessels, enables the creation of a clearer image, leading to more diagnostic value in the image. The system’s adaptive image processing produces reliable results for all kinds of breasts and minimizes reading time and windowing efforts through immediate optimal display of the whole image.

“GOPView Mammo provides a new standard for imaging in the digital mammography arena, satisfying stringent manufacturers’ requirements,” said Peter Kovamees, marketing manager for ContextVision. “Both patients and physicians will benefit from the optimal image of the entire breast and the improve imaging achieved using GOPView Mammo.”
ContextVision is a leading independent developer of medical imaging enhancement, analyses, and processing technologies serving original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and distributors. 

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