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這套MediCapture USB100設備,是一種桌面外周設備,只需要插上電源就可以很方便的安裝,將一根電纜接在內鏡或者超聲設備的視頻輸出端口即可。圖像被捕獲存儲在閃存存儲器閃,能夠通過USB接口傳輸給任何視窗PC機。為了獲取影像,操作人員只需按下按鍵或者使用無需手操作的腳踏板。為了將影像傳輸給視窗PC機,操作人員卸下移動閃存和MedCapture,然后將關鍵設備插入PC機的USB端口即可。然后影像資料就可以存檔、增強并通過Email發送,并根據需要整合進教學計劃,并可以進行咨詢交流。

這套設備的開發商是Scientific Vision公司,公司總裁Dick Wheeler說:“MediCapture提供了一個十分簡單的方法來獲取由內鏡或者超聲設備產生的影像。這就使得醫務人員很容易的將數字影像檔案存入將患者資料終,或者將影像直接傳輸給患者。例如,醫生現在能夠為即將成為父母的患者提供他們正在發育胎兒出生前的影像。”
Digital-Image Capture System
A new digital-image capture device allows users to capture and convert analog images from endoscopes and ultrasound units by simply touching a button.

The MediCapture USB100 device, a desktop peripheral, installs easily by plugging in power and attaching a cable to the video output port of the monitor for the endoscope or ultrasound instrument. The images are captured on a flash memory cartridge and can be transferred to any Windows PC with a USB port. To capture an image, the user simply touches a button or uses a hands-free foot pedal. To transfer images to a Windows PC, the operator removes the portable flash memory cartridge and the MediCapture unit and inserts the key chain-sized device into the USB port of a PC. Images can then be archived, enhanced, e-mailed, and incorporated into teaching plans or consultations as needed.

“MediCapture provides a simple way to capture the analog images generated by such instruments as endoscopes and ultrasound instruments. This makes it easy for medical offices to archive digital images in patient files or to transfer images directly to the patients. For example, the doctor can now provide soon-to-be-parents with prenatal images of their developing child,” said Dick Wheeler, president of Scientific Vision Systems (Carlsbad, CA, USA), the developer of the device.

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