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首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Abbott公司即將研制先兆子癇檢測方法 |
Abbott公司即將研制先兆子癇檢測方法 【?2005-08-04 發布?】 美迪醫訊
根據一項近期的協議,Abbott實驗室獲得了將Nephromics公司獲得的的檢測和監測先兆子癇的兩種蛋白質,開發成商業化產品的全球準獨家權利。, Abbott打算開發成為檢測先兆子癇的體外檢測方法。目前對這種危及生命的疾病還沒有特異性的診斷檢測方法,這種疾病每年都危及許多妊娠婦女。Abbott實驗室診斷測試與系統開發副總裁William Brow博士解釋說:“Abbott的目標是開發分娩前檢測方法,能夠用于對妊娠并發癥進行早期的危險分層檢測。” Abbott具有研發內分泌和其它激素相關檢測方法的歷史;向全球診斷檢測市場的關鍵領域提供范圍廣泛的革新設備系統和檢測方法。
Abbott to Develop Preeclampsia Test Abbott intends to develop an in vitro diagnostic test to detect preeclampsia. There is currently no specific diagnostic test for this life-threatening disease that affects many pregnant women each year. “Abbott’s goal is to develop prenatal tests that could be utilized for early risk stratification of pregnancy complications,” explained William Brown, Ph.D., vice president, diagnostic assays and systems development, Abbott Labs. Abbott has a history of developing endocrine and other hormone-related tests and offers a broad range of innovative instrument systems and tests across key segments of the global diagnostics market. Immunodiagnostics is a core component of the company’s medical products business. “Because preeclampsia can strike quickly, potentially causing severe and immediate complications such as seizures and organ failure that threaten both the health of the baby and mother unless pregnancy is induced, early diagnostic tests are needed,” observed David Barch, M.D., medical director, Abbott Diagnostics. “These tests would be developed for use on our premier diagnostic analyzer, the Architect integrated immunoassay and clinical chemistry system.” 本文關鍵字:
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