
  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Cordis公司新型外周支架系統即將在歐洲上市  


【?2005-08-08 發布?】 美迪醫訊

一種新型氣球擴張支架叫做Palmaz Blue,極大的方便了醫生,因為它的力量增強,不透輻射,體積較小,柔軟性增強,輸送方便。



Palmaz Blue支架采用密閉元件設計,錐形放射型拱,優化的支架和雙Omega鉸鏈,具有最佳的疲勞壽命,最大的放射力量,最小的體積。Palmaz Blue支架是Cordis Endovascular公司的產品。

Cordis Endovascular公司總經理Jack Springer說:“隨著Palmaz Blue支架在歐洲投放市場,我們正在建立令人自豪的遺產,那是在1987年就投放市場的第一代Palmaz支架,以及超過15年的臨床上優越的表現。”
New Peripheral Stent System
A new balloon-expandable stent, called Palmaz Blue, is designed to provide doctors with increased strength, radiopacity, low profiles, and superior flexibility and deliverability.

The new stent features L605, a cobalt alloy enhanced with tungsten, which is stronger than stainless steel and uses less metal. The stent is to be used in the treatment of atherosclerotic lesions in peripheral arteries below the aortic arch as well as in the palliative treatment of malignant neoplasms in the biliary duct.

Worldwide, around 60 million people have peripheral vascular disease (PVD), including those who are diabetic, obese, who smoke, have high blood pressure, have high cholesterol, or have a family history of coronary artery disease. This disease is caused by a build-up of fatty substances or plaques, which collect and adhere to the linings of blood vessels. Also, each year, thousands of patients are threatened by life-threatening blockages in the bile ducts. A biliary stent is often used to open the blockages so that fluids may continue to be transported to various organs such as the liver, gallbladder, and small intestines.

The Palmaz Blue stent features a closed cell design, tapered radial arcs, optimized struts and double Omega hinges that are designed to optimize fatigue life, maximize radial strength, and minimize foreshortening. The Palmaz Blue stent is the product of Cordis Endovascular (Warren, NJ, USA).

“With the European Launch of the Palmaz Blue stent, we are building on a proud legacy which began with the first Palmaz stent introduced in 1987 and more than 15 years of clinical history and long-term performance,” remarked Jack Springer, general manager, Cordis Endovascular.

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