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FastStart TaqMan探針試劑盒和FastStart SYBR綠試劑盒混合物最適合用于大多數實時PCR設備,除了LightCycler2.0設備。具有兩種形式,一種包含ROX參考染料,另一種則不包含。聯合使用實時PCR設備、合適的PCR引物以及水解探針,FastStart TaqMan探針試劑盒可以進行非常敏感的檢測和定量特定DNA序列。

FastStart TaqMan探針試劑盒與Roche診斷學公司的通用探針文庫的探針能夠很好的工作,正是有Roche公司研發了這種產品。

FastStart SYBR綠試劑盒是一種即配即用的雙濃縮混合物,包含所有必須的試劑(除了引物和模板),適合在qPCR和兩步法qRT-PCR分析的時候,采用SYBR Green I模式的檢測,進行定量實時DNA檢測分析。理論上說:FastStart TaqMan探針試劑盒和FastStart SYBR綠試劑盒能夠用于任何DNA或者cDNA的擴增與檢測。

Master Mixes for PCR Instruments
Ready-to-use reagent mixes simplify the preparation of samples for quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and two-step quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR).

The FastStart TaqMan Probe Master and FastStart SYBR Green Master mixes are optimized for use with most real-time PCR instruments other than the LightCycler 2.0 instruments. Available in two formulations, one contains the ROX reference dye and one does not. In combination with a real-time PCR instrument, suitable PCR primers, and a hydrolysis probe, FastStart TaqMan Probe Master

allows very sensitive detection and quantification of defined DNA sequences. The FastStart TaqMan Probe Master works well in combination with the probes of the Universal ProbeLibrary of Roche Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland), which developed the new mixes.

The FastStart SYBR Green Master is a ready-to-use double-concentrated master mix that contains all the necessary reagents (except primers and template) and is suitable for quantitative real-time DNA detection assays whenever qPCR and two-step qRT-PCR assays in the SYBR Green I detection format are performed. In principle, the TaqMan Probe Master and the SYBR Green Master can be used for the amplification and detection of any DNA or cDNA target.

本文關鍵字: Roche公司,實時定量PCR 
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