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首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Spectral開發出能夠自動解釋心臟檢查結果的設備 |
Spectral開發出能夠自動解釋心臟檢查結果的設備 【?2005-08-12 發布?】 美迪醫訊
這種i-Lynx設備為對心臟STATus快速檢查結果解釋時候存在的個體差異提供了解決方案,同時還為床邊監護系統、醫院計算機化病例和實驗室檢查提供了資料獲取和連接的功能。這種i-Lynx and和心臟STATus 檢查都是由加拿大Spectral診斷公司研制開發的。心臟STATus檢查是一種快速檢查方法,用以檢查心肌梗塞的指標。 根據Spectral公司的說法,該公司以前發現醫院設備對快速檢查有著市場需求,特別是重癥醫學。盡管人工目測方便而快速,但是不同人員的解釋存在差異,缺乏永久的證據以及不能夠與醫院病例進行整合,限制了他們的使用。設計這套i-Lynx的目的就是為了解決上述問題。 Spectral診斷公司的總裁兼首席執行官Paul Walker說:“市場對i-Lynx的初步認可接受讓我們感到十分滿意。我們現在正在將這些設備不斷發往新的以及老的客戶醫院。醫院對快速心臟指標檢測的需求仍然十分強烈,我們的i-Lynx為此提供了全新的解決方案。” Spectral診斷公司是全新的快速診斷技術的研發商,這些快速檢查能夠導致對患者早期開始恰當的有針對性的治療。該公司還研制開發了用于敗血癥的快速診斷檢查方法。 The i-Lynx instrument offers a solution to individual differences in interpretation of the cardiac STATus rapid test and also provides data capture and connectivity to point-of-care systems and to a hospital’s computerized patient and laboratory records. Both the i-Lynx and the cardiac STATus test were developed by Spectral Diagnostics, Inc. (Toronto, Canada). The cardiac STATus test is a rapid test that measures markers of myocardial infarction. According to Spectral, the company previously identified a market need in rapid testing in the hospital setting, particularly in critical illness situations. Although visual read-outs are convenient and rapid, differences in interpretation, lack of a permanent record and integration with other hospital records have limited their usefulness. The i-Lynx is designed to change that. “We are very pleased with the early market acceptance of the i-Lynx,” said Dr. Paul Walker, president and CEO of Spectral Diagnostics. “We have now placed these instruments in both new and existing customer hospitals. The need for hospitals to meet rapid cardiac marker testing guidelines remains strong, and the i-Lynx provides an innovative solution.” Spectral Diagnostics is a developer of innovative technologies for rapid diagnostics that enable the early initiation of appropriate and targeted therapy. The company has also developed rapid diagnostics for sepsis. 本文關鍵字:
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