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美發現跨顱磁刺激(TMS)能夠治療抑郁癥 【?2005-08-19 發布?】 美迪醫訊
在過去電休克(ECT)一直被用于治療抑郁和其它精神系統疾病,但是該療法會產生短期的精神紊亂和記憶喪失,而且患者需要全身麻醉和肌肉松弛藥物。 相比而言,TMS產生的刺激比ECT要更加溫和而且局限。一種電子發生器能夠在線圈中產生一系列強大的磁場,蓄積在踏板之上,可以將其放置在患者前額或者顱骨處。波動的磁力可以產生電流,作用在線圈下方區域的神經元。而且,磁場能夠用于完全清醒的患者,患者卻不會感到疼痛,在治療的時候仍然可以閱讀和談話,治療之后即可駕車回家。記憶不會受到影響。 根據2005年8月3日出版的《哈佛精神健康通訊》(Harvard Medical School; Boston, USA)報道,超過30項研究現在正在評估TMS治療諸如中風、帕金森病、大腦麻痹。該通訊還報道說,大約40%對藥物耐受的抑郁患者在接受TMS之后,癥狀出現了改善。這些對TMS治療精神分裂、創傷后應激障礙的研究結果則比較混亂。一項對照試驗顯示TMS在治療強迫性神經癥方面,并不比假(sham)治療效果好。 Brain Stimulation for Depression Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been used in the past to treat depression and other psychiatric disorders but it can produce short-term confusion and memory loss, and patients require general anesthesia and muscle relaxants. In contrast, TMS produces stimulation that is much milder and more localized than ECT. An electrical generator produces a series of strong magnetic fields in a wire coil, which is mounted on a paddle and positioned on or near a patient’s forehead or scalp. The fluctuating magnetic force produces an electrical current that influences neurons in the area directly under the coil. Moreover, the magnetic field can be applied to fully conscious patients, who feel no pain and can read and talk during treatment and drive home afterward. Memory is not affected. More than 30 studies are now testing the potential of TMS for treating conditions such as stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and cerebral palsy, according to the August 3, 2005, issue of the Harvard Mental Health Letter (Harvard Medical School; Boston, USA). The letter also reported that about 40% of patients with medication-resistant depression show some improvement after TMS. The findings on the effects of TMS on schizophrenia and post-traumatic stress disorder are mixed. A controlled study showed that TMS was no more effective than sham treatment for patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. 本文關鍵字:
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