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Ingen公司的氧氣監測設備推向市場 【?2005-08-19 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種新型氧氣監測設備,設計用于提高住院患者接受任何來源氧氣治療的安全性、可靠性和精確性。 該設備叫做OxyView,是一種重量很輕的充滿氣體的量規,附著在頸部的氣管之上。該設備可以提醒護理人員氧氣氣流的速度,同時可以及時提示在氧氣輸送來源與患者之間,是否存在任何氣體泄漏或者錯誤。 Ingen技術公司的首席執行官兼主席Scott Sand解釋說:“該設備十分簡單,當前醫院中沒有任何能與OxyView相競爭的同類產品,當前醫院工作人員在確保輸入患者體內的氣流速度方面缺乏足夠的保證。在當今的醫療產業中,玩忽職守和缺乏責任心是一個嚴重的問題,OxyView則可以提高安全性,減少設備故障所帶來的不可靠性。 OxyView的一種同類產品是OxyAlert,可以提供無線、遠程見識氧氣輸送系統。該公司同時還生產Secure Balance并推向市場,這種醫療產品系列為醫生和為患者提供服務的醫院提供平衡的和全方位的防護方案。 Oxygen-Monitoring Device Called OxyView, the device is a lightweight pneumatic gauge that is attached to the oxygen tubing just below the neck. It informs the nursing staff of the oxygen flow rate at the site of the patient and can also immediately indicate the presence of any leak or inaccuracy between the delivery source and the patient. “As simple as it sounds, there is nothing in the hospital industry presently that competes with OxyView,” explained Scott Sand, CEO and chairman of Ingen Technologies, Inc. (Calimesa, CA, USA; www.ingen-tech.com), which developed OxyView. “Currently, the hospital staff assumes that the flow rate near the patient is sufficient without any verification. In today’s medical industry, where malpractice and liability are serious issues, OxyView enhances safety and can reduce liabilities associated with equipment failure.” A companion product to OxyView is OxyAlert, which provides wireless, remote monitoring of oxygen-delivery systems. The company also makes and markets Secure Balance, a medical product line for doctors and hospitals that provides patient services for balance and fall-prevention programs. 本文關鍵字:
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