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Philips公司推出PCR Eleva系統 【?2005-08-25 發布?】 美迪醫訊
這套PCR Eleva系統是由Philips公司研制開發的,具有直觀的、操作簡便的技術人員工作空間。簡潔的系統能夠即時展示質量卓越的圖像,節約放射科的時間與空間。 在過去,技術人員需要輔助工作站或者膠片的硬拷貝,以獲得所需要的圖像質量,為進一步的檢查進行決策。這就使得檢查過程漫長而且工作繁重。使用新型PCR Eleva系統,相同質量的圖像可以自動輸送到相鄰的X線檢查室中間的技術人員工作空間,然后可以提供給圖像存檔與通信系統(PACS)或者進行硬拷貝,節約技術人員的時間。系統的直觀觸摸屏用戶界面,被設計用于滿足臨床醫生的需求。自動選擇系統將用于常規檢查的手工互動降低至最小,使得技術人員有更多的時間用于處理患者。 Philips公司X線檢查國際市場經理Arne Helbig指出:“PCR Eleva系統家族再次證明了Philips公司的承諾,即發展能夠為臨床醫生提供最頂級的圖像質量和工作流程。PCR Eleva系統極其簡便地適應不同放射科地所有工作流程的需求?!? The PCR Eleva system, developed by Philips Medical Systems (Best, The Netherlands), provides an intuitive and easy-to-use technologist’s work space. The compact system immediately displays excellent quality images, saving time as well as space in the radiography department. Technologists in the past needed additional workstations or hard copies of film to attain the necessary image quality to make a decision on additional examination steps. This made the examination process long and burdensome. With the new PCR Eleva, the same high-quality images are automatically delivered to the technologist’s work space next to the x-ray room, and are later available on picture archiving and communications systems (PACS) or hardcopy, saving time for the technologist. The system’s intuitive touch screen user interface is designed around the requirements of the clinician. Automation options minimize manual interaction for routine examinations, allowing technologists to have more time with the patient “The PCR Eleva systems family demonstrates again Philips’ commitment to develop technology that provides clinicians with best-in-class image quality and workflow. PCR Eleva systems easily adapt to all individual workflow requirements of the different radiology departments,” stated Arne Helbig, international marketing manager, General X-ray, for Philips Medical Systems. /**/本文關鍵字:
Philips公司,PCR Eleva系統
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