
  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Rita公司的HABIB4X癌癥手術切除設備獲得FDA的許可  


【?2005-09-12 發布?】 美迪醫訊


HABIB4X切除設備是由Rita醫療系統公司研制開發的。該設備能夠凝固“外科手術切除平面”,從而能夠進行快速切開,而出血較少。該公司相信這種技術能夠用于肝臟癌癥手術,因為該設備被設計將手術過程中的出血和輸血降至最少。該設備被設計用于當前的Rita 1500X型發生器射頻消融工作平臺。

該設備具有下述特征:兩極電極設備,用于快速組織消融和凝固;自動Rita 1500X發生器軟件升級功能;外科組織切除手術時候出血最少;降低了手術、腫瘤學和癌癥領域的費用,包括現在的以及潛在的新客戶,這些都與切除方案密切相關。

Rita公司總裁和首席執行官Joseph DeVivo說:“因為我們側重于癌癥治療,所以我們希望HABIB4X成為我們產品系列的一個強有力的補充。”

Resection Device for Cancer Surgery
A new device is designed for use in vascular tissue coagulation during surgical resection. The device has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and has also received the CE Mark.

The HABIB4X resection device was developed by Rita Medical Systems, Inc. (Fremont, CA, USA). The device coagulates a “surgical resection plane” to facilitate a fast dissection with limited blood loss. The company believes this technology will be utilized in liver cancer surgeries since it is designed to minimize blood loss and blood transfusion during surgery. The device is designed to work on the current Rita radiofrequency ablation (RFA) platform of 1500X generators.

The device includes the following features: a bipolar electrode device designed for fast tissue ablation and coagulation, automatic operation with Rita 1500X generator software upgrade, minimized blood loss during surgical tissue resection, and reduced costs interest to the surgery, oncology, and cancer communities, which include existing as well as many potential new customers,” observed associated with resection procedures.

“With our focus on cancer therapies, we expect the HABIB4X to be a strong addition to our product portfolio and for it to be of Joseph DeVivo, president and CEO of Rita Medical Systems.

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