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Finnpipette數字IVD產品線包括單通道和多通道移液器,用于在臨床實驗室中進行手工操作。這些數字移液器可以配合Finntip IVD的標準和過濾吸頭使用。

一種微型培養板光度計叫做Multiskan EX IVD,被設計用于按照96孔板的方式來測量微型培養板和條帶,為進一步的分析提供第一手資料。Wellwash IVD是一種微型培養板洗滌器,用于洗滌96孔板。二者都設計將IVD用于日常實驗室任務以及科研工作。

Thermo實驗室系統是Thermo Electron集團(Waltham, MA, USA)的事業部,一家全球分析測試設備供應商,主要用于臨床、生命科學、環境以及工業實驗室。

IVD-Compliant Diagnostic Devices
New laboratory products are compliant with the European Union (EU) in vitro diagnostic (IVD) directive designed to improve performance and safety.

The IVD directive gives users and patients a high level of protection and ensures that medical devices attain performance levels originally attributed to them by the manufacturer. The new CE-marked line of products, from Thermo Lab Systems (Vantaa, Finland), includes a comprehensive range of air-displacement pipettes and tips as well as microplate instrumentation.

The Finnpipette Digital IVD product line consists of single channel and multichannel pipettes designed for manual pipetting in a clinical laboratory. These digital pipettes are to be used in conjunction with the Finntip IVD line of both standard and filter tips.

A microplate photometer called Multiskan EX IVD is designed for measuring absorbance from microplates and strips in a 96-well plate format, providing first line data for further analyses. The Wellwash IVD is a microplate washer for 96-well plates. Both are intended for IVD use in routine laboratory tasks as well as in research.

Thermo Lab Systems is a business of Thermo Electron Corp. (Waltham, MA, USA), a global supplier of analytic instruments for clinical, life science, environmental, and industrial laboratories.

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