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德國Trigen開發出新型靜脈內抗凝劑TGN255 【?2005-09-29 發布?】 美迪醫訊
這種新型化合物叫做TGN255,是由德國Trigen控股公司研制開發的。該公司在歐洲一些醫療機構的28例接受血液透析的患者中進行了該項研究,評估了TGN255是否能夠防止終末期腎臟功能衰竭的血液透析患者體外循環的凝血,以及藥物的藥效動力學和藥物代謝動力學。研究結果顯示TGN255確實能夠提供有效而便利的抗凝作用,控制水平極高而且并不增加出血危險。 TGN255是一種新型靜脈內小分子直接凝血酶抑制劑(DTI),被開發用于醫院內可預測和安全抗凝候選藥物。這項研究的最終結果將在2005年秋天獲得。但是Trigen相信,初步研究結果支持TGN255進入后期臨床試驗。Trigen是一家生物技術公司,側重于血栓與血管功能失調。該公司已經開發了兩個平臺,SIGSCREEN和THROMSCAN,已經成功用于幾家跨國制藥公司的合作。 New Intravenous Anticoagulant The new compound, known as TGN 255, was developed by Trigen Holdings AG (Munich, Germany). The company conducted the study in 28 patients undergoing hemodialysis at several sites in Europe to assess whether TGN 255 would adequately anticoagulate the extracorporeal circuit in hemodialysis in patients with end-stage renal failure and to evaluate the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drug in that setting. The results showed that TGN 255 did provide effective and convenient anticoagulant cover in this setting with a high level of control and with no increase in bleeding risk. TGN 255 is a novel, intravenous small-molecule direct thrombin inhibitor (DTI) being developed as a predictable and safer alternative for anticoagulation in hospital settings. The final results of the study will be available in the fall of 2005. However, Trigen believes the preliminary data support the progression of TGN 255 into late-stage clinical trials. Trigen is a biotechnology company, focusing on thrombosis and vascular dysfunction. The company has developed two discovery platforms, SIGSCREEN and THROMSCAN, which have been applied in collaborations with a number of multinational pharmaceutical firms. /**/本文關鍵字:
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