
  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Spectranetics研制治療表淺股動脈完全堵塞的導管  


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“我們最領先之處是穿越了關鍵的肢體缺血市場,通過增強我們現有產品,側重于SFA和膝蓋以下部位血管的完全堵塞這一難題,同時擴大我們治療外周血管疾病領域,使用導管將會在下肢上部或者表淺股動脈產生更大的內腔。”Spectranetics(Colorado Springs, CO, USA)公司總裁兼首席執行官John G. Schulte如此評價,正是該公司研制開發了這種新型渦輪導管。

Turbo Catheter Treats Total Occlusions
A new turbo catheter is designed to treat total occlusions in the superficial femoral artery (SFA). The catheter has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The 2.5 turbo catheter is the latest in the CLiRpath line of proprietary excimer laser catheters, ranging in diameter from 0.9 mm to 2.5 mm. This new laser features several design enhancements. These include an increased number of laser fibers, which create 30% more energy and 60% faster penetration rate to ablate larger lumens in the SFA and popliteal arteries; a continuous lasing train that will enable shorter procedure times and reduce radiation exposure; and a hydrophilic coating to allow for smoother advancement through tight lesions and an easier transition over the aortic bifurcation.

Many patients suffering from peripheral vascular disease and critical limb ischemia have total occlusions that cannot be crossed with standard guide wires, and have so few treatment options that surgery--either bypass or limb amputation--is nearly inevitable. CLiRpath provides an alternative to amputation for these patients.

“Our top priority is to further penetrate the critical limb ischemia market through enhancements to our current products focusing on long total occlusions in the SFA and below-the-knee applications, and also to expand our presence in the treatment of peripheral vascular disease with catheters that will generate larger lumens in the upper leg or the superficial femoral artery,” said John G. Schulte, president and CEO of Spectranetics (Colorado Springs, CO, USA), which developed the new turbo catheter.

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