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Radiometer A/S研制出1st自動分析儀

【?2005-10-24 發布?】 美迪醫訊


這套系統叫做1st自動分析儀,由三個部分組成:條帶預編碼safePico血液取樣器,配備取樣器隊列模塊的ABL Flex血氣分析儀, 以及Flexlink軟件。使用這套軟件,操作者能夠掃描或者輸入身份,prebarcoded safePico 取樣器和患者身份。這套軟件連接在一起,能夠儲存這三個重要識別符,在床邊即可完成,減少了采樣錯誤和患者識別的危險。一旦采樣器被置于分析儀的隊列模塊中,分析儀就能夠“識別”特定采樣器條帶編碼,并取回所有與之相關的信息。


safePico動脈取樣器隨車攜帶的安全裝置,提供單手操作方式,安全地去除針頭,從而增加操作者的安全。 同樣,操作者可以使用吸頭帽來快速排除所有氣泡,避免與患者血液接觸。1st自動分析儀是由Radiometer A/S (Copenhagen, Denmark)研制開發成功的。

Safer Blood-Gas Analysis System
A new blood-gas analysis system uses automation, information, and sampler technology to help ensure correct sample and patient identification, while increasing operator safety and reducing the time spent on testing.

The system, called 1st automatic, consists of three elements: the prebarcoded safePico blood sampler, the ABL Flex blood gas analyzer with a sampler queue module, and the Flexlink software. With this software, operators can scan or enter their identification, the prebarcoded safePico sampler, and the patient identification. The software links together and stores these three critical identifiers, right at the bedside, reducing the risk of incorrect sample and patient identification. Once the sampler is placed on the analyzer’s queue module, the analyzer “recognizes” the unique sampler barcode and retrieves all information associated with it.

Since they are fully automated, the blood-gas measurements are also faster and less error-prone. Up to three samplers can be placed on the analyzer’s queue module. Once identified, each sample is automatically mixed and the correctly identified result is then made available to caregivers on their platform of choice: personal digital assistant (PDA), patient monitor, information system, or the analyzer itself.

An onboard safety device on the safePico arterial sampler offers one-hand operation for safe removal of needles, which helps to increase operator safety. Also, operators can use the tip cap to quickly expel all air bubbles and avoid contact with patient blood. 1st automatic was developed by Radiometer A/S (Copenhagen, Denmark).

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