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【?2005-11-07 發布?】 美迪醫訊

一種精細的膠片-轉-數字計算機輔助檢查(CAD)系統, 能夠將以前的膠片轉化為數字形式,從而可以將近期的影像資料與數字乳房系統進行比較。


iCAD公司(Nashua NH, USA)研制開發了該系統,該公司總裁兼首席執行官W. Scott Parr說:“我們相信在2005年9月公布的DMIST[數字乳房成像掃描篩查檢查]多年臨床研究,將會加速采用數字乳房影像檢查的步伐,iCAD公司的TotalLook系統為幾乎每一個數字乳房影像使用者都為碰到的難題--即如何閱讀以前膠片拍攝的資料--提供了一種快速解決方案?!?


TotalLook CAD系統包括一套iCAD數字轉換器工作站以及軟件,能夠很方便的比較以前的膠片圖像與當前使用的數字圖像。 與iCAD的SecondLook CAD系統配套使用,該系統使得婦女健康中心將傳統的膠片資料轉變為數字資料變得更加容易。

Digital CAD Mammography System
A comprehensive film-to-digital computer-aided detection (CAD) system converts previous film mammograms into digital form for comparison with more recent images from digital mammography systems.

By digitizing and delivering film-based breast images from prior years to the same digital viewing station used to examine current digital mammograms, this new imaging system, called TotalLook, assists radiologists in the important examination step of comparing breast images from year to year to detect potentially subtle changes that may be indicative of breast cancer.

“We believe the DMIST [Digital Mammography Imaging Screening Test] multi-year clinical study, released in September 2005, will accelerate the adoption of digital mammography,” said W. Scott Parr, president and CEO of iCAD, Inc. (Nashua NH, USA), which developed the system. “iCAD’s TotalLook provides an immediate solution to a problem experienced by almost every digital mammography user--how to view prior cases captured on film.”

The CAD system converts prior film images into a digital format and automatically adjusts the digitized images for correct display on the same workstation and in the same context as the current year digital mammogram. By providing radiologists with a “total look” at a mammography patient’s multi-year breast examinations, the system decreases light box glare and eliminates the need to shift back and forth from light box to workstation to speed workflow, improve productivity, and reduce discomfort.

The TotalLook CAD system includes an iCAD digitizer-based workstation and software that makes it easier to compare prior film images with digitally acquired current images. Working in conjunction with iCAD’s SecondLook CAD systems, the system makes it easier for women’s health centers to transition to digital mammography.

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