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首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > 妊娠婦女尿酸增高會增加發生并發癥的危險 |
妊娠婦女尿酸增高會增加發生并發癥的危險 【?2005-11-14 發布?】 美迪醫訊
美國匹茲堡大學(PA, USA)的研究人員使用數據庫來尋找先兆子癇患者的尿酸水平,是否有助于發現妊娠婦女并發癥升高的危險。他們檢查了匹茲堡大學Magee婦女醫院972例患進行性子癇妊娠婦女的醫療記錄。 研究人員發現先兆子癇而且尿酸水平升高的女性,早產的危險增加了7倍之多,幾乎比尿酸水平正常的先兆子癇女性分娩期要提前4周。絕大多數分娩都是誘導的而且嬰兒出生時候體積都較小。但是在患高血壓患者尿液中沒有蛋白質但是尿酸增高的女性,早產或者胎兒存活下降的危險與出現經典先兆子癇癥狀但是尿酸正常的女性相似。高血壓患者尿液中沒有蛋白質而且尿酸正常的患者,她們嬰兒的危險并不增加。 Uric Acid May Threaten Pregnancy Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh (PA, USA) used a research database to find whether inclusion of uric acid levels in the diagnosis of preeclampsia would help them evaluate the risk for complications among pregnant women. They looked at the records for 972 pregnant women who were part of an ongoing preeclampsia study at the Magee-Women’s Hospital of the University of Pittsburgh. They found that women with both preeclampsia and elevated uric acid levels had almost a seven-fold increased risk of premature delivery and delivered nearly four weeks earlier than preeclampsia women whose uric acid levels were normal. Most of these deliveries were induced and infants tended to be smaller at birth. However, in women with high blood pressure and no protein in their urine but who did have increased uric acid, the risk of early delivery or reduced fetal growth was as likely as in women with classic signs of preelcampsia but normal uric acid. Also, women with high blood pressure who lacked protein in their urine and had normal uric acid had no increased risk for their babies. /**/本文關鍵字:
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