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首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Smith&Nephew公司設計出關節內窺鏡操作的抽吸裝置 |
Smith&Nephew公司設計出關節內窺鏡操作的抽吸裝置 【?2005-11-23 發布?】 美迪醫訊
在任何關節鏡操作程序中,都需要一種抽吸裝置把無菌液體注入接受治療的關節內。這種液體能夠擴大關節區域,為手術醫生創造工作空間。關節內的壓力必須持續而且保持較高水平,以確保手術區域內的血流最小,為手術醫生創造一個清潔的視野。Dyonics25泵就是一種可以產生持續壓力和精確測量的設備。 該泵有兩個傳感器,配備一系列咬合管盒子,能夠滿足不同外科手術通量的需要。一種方案是雙-區域“每日裝管(day tubing)” 設計,適合每日舉行多個手術的醫療中心。一個區域在手術日保持與泵相連接,另一個區域每次手術都進行更換,從而可以降低每次手術的成本。在裝管當日,一個單向閥門可以防止液體從一個患者流向另外一個患者。 Dyonics 25是Smith&Nephew內窺鏡(Andover, MA, USA)公司的產品,這是一家全球性醫療技術公司,其強項是整形外科產品。 Pump for Arthroscopic Use In any arthroscopic procedure, a pump controls the flow of sterile fluid into the joint being treated. This fluid distends the joint area, creating a work space for the surgeon. The pressure within the joint must be sustained and be high enough to minimize the blood flow into the area so the surgeon will have a clear field of view. The Dyonics 25 pump provides consistent pressure and accurate measurements. The pump has twin transducers and features a variety of snap-in tube cartridges that provide various options, depending on the facility’s surgical volume. One option features a two-zone “day tubing” design, configured for centers that perform multiple procedures each day. One zone remains connected to the pump for the day, and the other is changed with each procedure, which lowers the cost per procedure. A one-way valve in the day tubing prevents fluid transfer from one patient to another. The Dyonics 25 is the product of Smith & Nephew Endoscopy (Andover, MA, USA), a global medical technology business, specializing in orthopedics. 本文關鍵字:
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