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首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Niti公司開發出不使用釘子的外科手術加壓吻合設備 |
Niti公司開發出不使用釘子的外科手術加壓吻合設備 【?2005-11-24 發布?】 美迪醫訊
使用這種新型設備,外科醫生就能夠進行連續的幾乎無縫的縫合,而無需永久包埋例如釘子這樣的物體。這樣腸道內腔就就可以重新獲得天然的管腔大小和彈性。這種設備具有生物兼容性, 核磁共振檢測不出,而X線檢測是不透明的。這種設備與不銹鋼相比,更加穩定,不易被腐蝕。 這種新型吻合設備是由Niti醫療科技公司(Netanya, Israel)研制開發的。該系列產品已經得到了美國食品藥品管理局(FDA)的許可。該公司的產品能夠被用于進行邊緣-邊緣、末端-邊緣、末端-末端的壓縮的加壓吻合,能夠用于開放的、腹腔鏡、以及用手輔助的外科手術。 該系列產品包括加壓吻合夾(CAC),能夠確保將邊緣-邊緣腸道夾在一起;加壓吻合環(CAR),用于經過胃腸道的末端-末端和末端-邊緣吻合;以及釘子組織閉合(STC)設備,叫做Hand STC,單手操作就能夠確保進行精確定位、切割以及在任何進行裝訂階段的再次定位。 The new devices enable a surgeon to create a continuous almost seamless seal without the need for permanently embedded objects such as staples. As a result, the inner channel of the intestine is able to regain its natural tubular size and flexibility. The devices are biocompatible, are undetectable by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and are opaque to x-rays. They are also more stable and less subject to corrosion than materials such as stainless steel. This new line of anastomosis devices was developed by Niti Medical Technologies (Netanya, Israel). The line has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The company’s devices can be used to perform side-to-side, end-to-side, and end-to-end compression anastomosis in open, laparoscopic, and hand-assisted surgery. The line comprises the compression anastomosis clip (CAC), which securely clamps together side-to-side intestine; the compression anastomosis ring (CAR), designed to create end-to-end and end-to-side anastomoses throughout the gastronintestinal tract; and a stapling tissue closure (STC) device called Hand STC, a one-hand operation that enables accurate positioning, cutting, and repositioning at any stage of the stapling process. /**/本文關鍵字:
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