
  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Somatex公司推出兩種新型穿刺活檢和腫瘤標記設備  


【?2005-12-09 發布?】 美迪醫訊


Quick-Shot是一種半自動穿刺活檢系統,特別設計用于質地較軟的組織和器官獲取標本。該設備為醫生按照不同大小組織質量提供了兩種不同的選擇。這對從較小病變處輕輕地獲取組織特別有幫助。這套系統特別輕便,單手即可完成操作。 非創傷針頭有厘米刻度,能夠配合超聲波或者CT掃描檢查系統使用。


這兩種產品都是由Somatex醫療技術公司(Teltow, Germany)開發的,作為該公司當前產品線的延伸產品。Somatex十分擅長開發制造可拋棄式微創檢查設備,用于腫瘤消融、脊柱整型、穿刺活檢和腫瘤等領域。該公司側重于使用核磁共振下使用的微創操作。

Biopsy and Tumor-Marking Disposables
Two disposable minimally invasive instruments, a needle biopsy system specifically developed for obtaining histologically viable tissue material, and a tumor localization-and-marking set, were presented at the Medica show in Dusseldorf (Germany) in November 2005.

Quick-Shot, a semi-automatic needle biopsy system, was specially developed for obtaining histologically usable tissue material from soft parts and organs. It offers the surgeon the option of two different biopsy material quantities. This is particularly useful for gentle withdrawal of tissue in smaller lesions. The system is very light and can be used with a single-handed technique. The nontraumatic needle has centimeter markings and can be used in conjunction with ultrasound or computed tomography (CT) imaging systems.

Tuloc is designed for the preoperative marking of tumors and was developed for use with mammography. The monofilament marking wire has very high pressure stability and allows usage even in areas of strong calcification.

Both products were developed by Somatex Medical Technologies (Teltow, Germany) as an extension of its current product range. Somatex specializes in the development and manufacturing of disposable, minimally invasive instruments in the areas of tumor ablation, vertebroplasty, biopsy, and oncology. The company focuses on instruments for minimally invasive operations using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

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