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波士頓科學公司召回血管成形術設備 【?2006-01-04 發布?】 美迪醫訊
這次召回涉及大約40,000套Flextome切割血管成形氣囊設備,是由于該公司聲稱接到8例報道,稱導管遠端軸會在抽出設備的時候發生脫落。在其中3例中,需要手術來取出脫落末端。波士頓科學公司稱該公司正在和美國食品藥品管理具合作,進行召回工作并通知了其它國家的衛生管理當局。 召回的產品是Flextome切割氣囊設備單軌輸送系統,外周切割氣囊微手術擴張設備小單軌輸送系統。血管成形氣囊被用于狹窄動脈的再通,并擠壓動脈壁上沉積的斑塊。Flextome設備與標準血管成形氣囊不同,在其外端有3或者4個微型手術刀片(叫做atherotomes)。 這是在1周之內波士頓科學公司第二次召回產品。在上周該公司宣布召回大約18,000套不銹鋼Greenfield vena cava過濾裝置,該裝置設計用于過濾溶解血凝塊以保護肺臟。 The recall, involving about 40,000 Flextome cutting angioplasty balloon devices, came after the company said it had received eight reports that the distal shaft of the catheter may separate during withdrawal of the device. In three of the cases, surgery was required to remove the detached end. Boston Scientific said it was working with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on the recall and is also notifying health officials in other countries. The products recalled are the Flextome cutting balloon device monorail delivery system and the peripheral cutting balloon microsurgical dilatation device small monorail delivery system. Angioplasty balloons are used to reopen narrowed arteries and push back accumulated plaque in the arteries. The Flextome device differs from standard angioplasty balloons in having three or four microsurgical blades (called atherotomes) on its exterior. This is the second recall of a Boston Scientific device within a week. Last week, the company announced a recall of about 18,000 stainless steel Greenfield vena cava filters designed to filter and dissolve blood clots in order to protect the lungs. 本文關鍵字:
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