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Contour推出“縫線拉升”方法進行整容手術 【?2006-01-05 發布?】 美迪醫訊
Contour Threads (Reading, PA, USA)使用獲得的自我錨定絲線技術,能夠通過微創手術來拉升和固定皮膚,是第一種獲得美國食品藥品管理局許可的手術縫線,用于固定和拉升額部、面中部和頸部的組織。 “縫線拉升”方法能夠拉升下垂的下顎和下垂的眼瞼,但是不能夠增加皮膚容積或者去除過多皮膚。但是,他們是其它手術的一種理想的補充,包括皮膚填充、肉毒桿菌毒素、激光切削和眼瞼手術。 “縫線拉升”方法包括使用定制設計的縫線、或者聚丙烯縫線,用于拉升下垂的皮膚組織。這種縫線具有倒鉤,十分微小的頭發樣鬃毛能夠在深部組織中進行固定,方便醫生對皮膚進行再定位和拉升。 Contour Threads (Reading, PA, USA) use a patented self-anchoring thread technology that permits a minimally invasive surgical approach for elevation and fixation of skin, and are the first sutures to be cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the fixation and elevation of tissue in the brow, mid-face, and neck area. Thread lifts can lift drooping jowls and sagging eyebrows, but cannot add volume or remove excess skin. However, they are an ideal complement to other procedures including dermal fillers, botulinum toxin, laser resurfacing, and eyelid surgery. Thread lifts involve the use of custom-designed sutures, or polypropylene threads, to elevate sagging facial tissue. The sutures feature barbs, tiny, hair-like bristles that are fixated within the deep tissue, allowing physicians to reposition and elevate the skin. 本文關鍵字:
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