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閉合式輸液系統能夠降低感染的發生 【?2006-01-19 發布?】 美迪醫訊
這是一項1012例重癥監護室內使用中央靜脈導管的患者的評估結果。這項研究入選的是巴西3家三級護理重癥監護室的患者,這些患者放置了中央靜脈導管至少24小時。在開放階段感染率,每1,000例中央靜脈導管日是7.1,而閉合階段是3.2。研究人員得出結論與開放式系統相比較,閉合式中央靜脈導管感染的危險下降了一半多。 這些研究結果在2005年12月美國華盛頓舉行的第45屆抗微生物和化學治療交叉學科年會上進行了報道。 研究人員計算了兩個時間階段的導管相關性血液感染率。在主動檢測階段,醫院使用一種開放式系統,這種系統是半剛性塑料瓶,有一個端口能夠外接半剛性塑料瓶。在第二階段,醫院則使用一種閉合式系統,這種系統由項圈式塑料袋組成,具有兩個端口但是沒有出口。 Closed Infusion System Reduces Infection These were the results of a study that evaluated 1,012 intensive care unit (ICU) patients with central venous catheters. The trial enrolled adults admitted to three tertiary-care ICUs in Brazil who had a central venous catheter in place for at least 24 hours. Rates of infection per 1,000 central venous catheter days were 7.1 during the open phase and 3.2 during the closed phase. The researchers concluded that the risk for getting central venous catheter infection was more than half that of the closed system than with the open system. These findings were presented at the 45th annual Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, held in December 2005 in Washington (DC, USA). The investigators calculated the rates of catheter-associated bloodstream infection during two time periods. In the active surveillance phase, the hospital used an open system, characterized by semi-rigid plastic bottles that had one port and were externally vented semi-rigid plastic bottles. In the second phase, the hospital switched to a closed system, which consisted of collapsible plastic bags that had two ports and were not vented. /**/本文關鍵字:
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