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匯科傳訊將MEDTEC展覽會拓展到上海、廣州兩地 【?2006-04-18 發布?】 美迪醫訊
2006年6月21日到23日在上海國際展覽中心(Intex)首次舉辦的MEDTEC上海展面向的并非終端客戶。這次展覽會將匯聚全世界的頂尖醫療行業原始設備生產商(OEM),展品涵蓋各種專用醫用材料、組件、電子、計算機輔助設計(CAD)、企業信息化技術以及更多相關的展品。而環球知名的展商包括3M、德固賽公司(Degussa)、德國德馬格(Demag)、道康寧中國(Dow Corning)、杜邦中國集團有限公司(DuPont)、伊士曼化工有限公司(Eastman Chemical)、Ethox、GE塑料集團中國公司(GE Advanced Materials)、漢高樂泰(中國)有限公司(Henkel Loctite)、克勞斯瑪菲塑料機械(上海)有限公司(Krauss Maffei)、三菱電機自動化(上海)有限公司(Mitsubishi Electric Automation)、耐普羅中國公司(Nypro)、和Sanmina-SCI等等。 MEDTEC國際展覽系列活動始辦于1997年,今天已經發展到每年均在中國、德國以及愛爾蘭舉辦。MEDTEC廣州將于2007年3月6到8日舉行。如需獲取更多有關MEDTEC的信息,請登錄WWW.MEDTECSHANGHAI.COM 關于主辦單位 匯科傳訊集團 網址 : http://www.canontradeshows.com 匯科傳訊集團于1978年成立,是展覽會組織及出版界的翹楚, 致力為醫療制造、包裝、塑料處理、設計與制造以及電子等行業服務。匯科傳訊每年舉辦多個醫療設備設計及制造行業的展覽活動及研討會,此展會系列包括在中國、德國及愛爾蘭舉行的國際醫療設備設計與技術展覽會暨研討會(MEDTEC),及在美國(加利福尼亞州、紐約、明尼蘇達州) 舉行的Medical Design & Manufacturing (MD&M)展覽會。 中國醫療器械行業協會 網址 : http://www.camdi.org; http://www.camdi.cn 中國醫療器械行業協會(英文名稱: China Association for Medical Devices Industry, 英文縮寫CAMDI)于1991年成立,是在國家民政部注冊的獨立社團法人。由全國從事醫療器械生產、經營、科研開發、產品檢測及教育培訓的單位或個人,在自愿的基礎上,聯合組成的行業性、非盈利性的社會團體。主管部門是國務院國有資產監督管理委員會,由中國工業經濟聯合會代管,同時接受民政部、國家食品藥品監督管理局(SFDA)等有關部門的業務指導。中國醫療器械行業協會目前有分會及專業委員會17個,擁有直屬會員、分會會員、專業會員及地方協會會員4000余家。 中國醫療器械行業協會的宗旨是:在遵守國家政策法規的基礎上,代表會員單位的共同利益,維護會員單位的合法權益,不斷提高醫療器械的安全性和有效性,促進中國醫療器械行業健康發展。 媒體咨詢 (展會承辦單位):
Canon Communications Launches MEDTEC Shows in Shanghai and Guangzhou
Widespread industry support includes co-organizer CAMDI
Shanghai, China (March 14, 2006) – Following the tremendous success of its first MEDTEC China trade fair in Shenzhen last year, attended by more than 5,500 OEM buyers, Canon Communications llc is launching exhibitions and conferences in Shanghai and Guangzhou to serve the country’s fast-growing medical manufacturing industry. MEDTEC Shanghai, which debuts June 21-23, 2006 at the Intex Shanghai exhibition center, is not an end-user trade fair. The exhibition, which consists of leading medical OEM suppliers from around the world, features medical-grade materials, components, electronics, computer-aided design and manufacturing, production machinery, packaging, sterilization, quality systems, device communications, networking, enterprise IT, and much more. It consists of leading medical OEM suppliers from around the world, like 3M, Degussa, Demag, Dow Corning, DuPont, Eastman Chemical, Ethox, GE Advanced Materials, Henkel Loctite, Krauss Maffei, Mitsubishi Electric Automation, Nypro, and Sanmina-SCI. MEDTEC Shanghai includes a premier conference program covering the latest regulatory, quality, and manufacturing issues, and also providing practical solutions, tools, and case studies. Presentations include ISO and quality management systems; Marketing a Medical Device in the United States; and Chinese government regulations for medical devices. Speakers will be representatives from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and China’s State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA). In addition to co-organizer China Association for Medical Devices Industry (CAMDI), other major organizations supporting MEDTEC Shanghai include Biomedical Division The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, Medical Plastic Commission of China National, Jiangsu Province Medical Device Association, Zhejing Province Medical Device Association. The MEDTEC (Medical Equipment Design & Technology Exhibition & Conference) international fair series was launched in 1997, and now includes annual events in China, Germany, and Ireland. MEDTEC Guangzhou will be held March 6-8, 2007. The China fairs are sponsored by the Chinese language magazine CMDM (China Medical Device Manufacturer). Canon Communications llc is the leading publisher, trade fair producer, and digital media company for the medical manufacturing, general design, microelectronics, pharmaceutical, and packaging industries. For additional information on Canon products, contact the company at 1+ (310) 445-4200 or visit www.cancom.com. To learn more about CAMDI, please call 86-010-62018883 or visit www.camdi.org. Media Enquiry (Event Manager) :
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