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瑞典發現乳房移植物不會增加罹患癌癥的危險 【?2006-05-15 發布?】 美迪醫訊
國際流行病學研究院(Rockville, MD, USA)的研究人員隨訪研究了1965-1993年期間瑞典3,486接受乳房移植物的婦女。這些婦女接受移植物的平均年齡是32歲,平均隨訪時間是18.4年。研究人員發現有53例婦女在隨訪期間患了癌癥。但是根據標準化發病比例(SIRs)測算,應當有72例乳腺癌發生。半數觀察到的癌癥出現在隨訪至少15年的患者。 考慮到癌癥總體和其它特殊癌癥位置,包括腦癌和肉瘤、非何杰金淋巴瘤、多發性肉瘤,沒有觀察到SIRs有顯著性上升或者下降,除了在隨訪超過15年的婦女中肺癌出現2-3倍的增加,這可能是由于在該項研究中的瑞典婦女抽煙比例相當之高。 這項研究發表在2006年4月19日的《國家癌癥研究院期刊》之上。 Researchers at the International Epidemiology Institute (Rockville, MD, USA) followed 3,486 women in Sweden who received breast implants between 1965 and 1993. The average age of women at the time of implant was 32, and the mean follow-up period was 18.4 years. The researchers found that 53 of the women had developed breast cancer during the follow-up period. However, on the basis of standardized incidence ratios (SIRs), the researchers expected to find about 72 breast cancers. Half of the observed cancers occurred among women who were followed for at least 15 years. With respect to cancer overall and all other specific cancer sites, including brain cancer and sarcoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and multiple myeloma, no statistically significantly increase or decrease in SIRs was observed, with the exception of a two- to threefold excess of lung cancer among women followed for more than 15 years, which would be expected due to the high prevalence of smoking among the Swedish women with implants in the study. The study was published in the April 19, 2006, issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 本文關鍵字:
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