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【?2006-06-07 發布?】 美迪醫訊


高級醫療信息系統開發商Global Care Quest公司(GCQ; Aliso Viejo, CA, USA)已經和位于Los Angeles(CA, USA)的城市博士醫院達成協議,整合設施中的重癥監護醫療系統,確保醫生能夠通過智能電話、個人數字輔助(PDA)設備和其它移動設備獲取信息。

根據該協議,GCQ將建設自己的移動整合臨床信息系統(ICIS Mobile),整合入設施中的IT結構之中。在第一階段,醫生將能夠進入患者x光計算機斷層掃描(CT)系統,以及床邊檢測設備實時獲取生命體征。在將來,GCQ將確保臨床醫生通過手提設備獲取所有的患者信息。ICIS移動系統將小規模分配給10位世紀城市醫院的醫生,最終擴大到該醫院的150位醫生。

Mobile Patient-Information System
A new integrated clinical information system can enable a hospital’s information technology (IT) structure to allow clinicians in the intensive care unit, operating room, and the emergency department to review patient data on handheld devices and smartphones over wireless networks and high speed mobile phone systems.

Advanced medical information systems developer, Global Care Quest, Inc. (GCQ; Aliso Viejo, CA, USA), has entered into an agreement with Century City Doctors Hospital in Los Angeles (CA, USA) to integrate the facility’s critical care medical systems and make the information available to physicians via smartphones, personal digital assistant (PDA) devices, and other mobile devices.

Under the agreement, GCQ will build its mobile Integrated Clinical Information System (ICIS Mobile) into the facility’s IT structure. In the first phase, clinicians will have mobile access to patient x-rays and computed tomography (CT) scans as well as real time vital signs from bedside monitoring equipment. Long term, GCQ will enable the clinicians to access all of their patient information systems via handheld devices. The ICIS mobile system will be piloted initially by 10 Century City physicians and eventually extended to as many as 150 clinicians at the facility.

本文關鍵字: GCQ公司 
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