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【?2006-07-07 發布?】 美迪醫訊

體外和分子診斷市場正在快速增長,在大膽推進在該醫療解決方案市場中的地位,Siemens AG已經同意購買兩家重要的診斷公司。

在獲得Schering by BayerAG(Leverkusen, Germany)公司的認可之后,Siemens同意以42億歐元購得Bayer醫療保健公司的診斷學分部。并購已經得到了Bayer監事會的批準,該方案涵蓋了對許多疾病進行評估和監測的體外診斷產品,是一項龐大的投資組合。同樣在該方案中,包括了硬件、信息技術(IT)網絡、和復雜設備服務。Bayer公司糖尿病診斷部和Schering的診斷影像部則不包括在內。
Siemens Stages Entry as New Diagnostics Powerhouse
In a bold push to expand the position of its Medical Solutions group in the fast-growing in vitro and molecular diagnostics markets, Siemens AG has agreed to acquire two major diagnostic companies.

Following hard on the news of the acquisition of Schering by BayerAG (Leverkusen, Germany), Siemens agreed to acquire the Diagnostics Division of Bayer HealthCare for €4.2 billion. Included in the acquisition, which has been approved by the Bayer supervisory board, is an extensive portfolio of in vitro diagnostics products for evaluating and monitoring the therapy of numerous diseases. Also included is the systems business, which includes hardware, information technology (IT) networking, and comprehensive equipment service. Not included are the Diabetes Care Division of Bayer and the diagnostic imaging business of Schering. 

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