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首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > 血液基因表達譜診斷精神疾病 |
血液基因表達譜診斷精神疾病 【?2007-04-08 發布?】 美迪醫訊
四種獨特的診斷基因表達譜檢測精神分裂癥/煩躁抑郁雙向疾病患者的血標本,具有統計學差異(p< 0.001)。 對115例精神分裂癥/煩躁抑郁雙向疾病患者和匹配對照患者的基因進行分析。分析結果顯示:每個患者/對照4組亞組種只有1組相同,每一亞組都與一種獨特而有限數量的基因相關。每一亞組中發現的基因包括已知的和新的藥物靶標與生物標記,血液檢測的特異性和敏感性都進行了檢測。 血液檢測結果與兩種獨立的Curidium (London, UK)使用該公司的工具Homomatrix大腦研究結果相一致。Homomatrix是一種全自動檢測工具,使用了模式識別工具和數學運算法則序列以及統計方法,將來自異質人群的海量基因表達和生物資料進行客觀分析。這些檢測能夠促進治療-應答和/或者患者亞組診斷方法、信號途徑和藥物靶標的開發。 Gene Expression Profiles in Blood Diagnosed Mental Illness The gene expression profiles of 115 schizophrenia/bipolar disorder patients and matched controls were analyzed. The result of this analysis showed that each patient/control was a member of only one of four subgroups and each subgroup was associated with a unique and finite number of genes. The genes identified in each subgroup include known and novel drug targets and biomarkers, and the specificity and sensitivity of a potential blood diagnostic test are being determined. These results in blood are in line with the results from two separate Curidium (London, UK) brain studies using the company’s tool Homomatrix. Homomatrix is a fully automated analysis tool that uses proprietary pattern recognition tools and sequences of mathematic algorithms together with statistical methods to objectively analyze large sets of gene expression and biological data from heterogeneous populations. These analyses can potentially lead to the development of diagnostics that identify treatment-responsive patients and/or patient subgroups, signaling pathways as well as drug targets. 本文關鍵字:
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