
  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Cook推出用于泌尿科手術切除電極  


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切除電極包括:手動操作、耐受高溫、鎢絲切除線圈;凝固穿孔前列腺切除器,比標準切除線圈的凝固面積大出40%,能夠在組織切除過程中同時進行切除和凝固;一種漩渦汽化轉子,比槽式轉子提供更加平滑的汽化區域,同時產生深部組織凝固;一個轉子球和轉子滾筒,用于膀胱和前列腺軟組織的凝固和汽化(轉子球還可以用于子宮內膜的 消融);一個Collings刀能夠幫助泌尿科醫生進入前列腺的所有區域,通常用于輸尿管切除術和經尿道前列腺切開(TUIP)。這種切除電極是由Cook醫療器械公司(Bloomington, IN, USA)制造的。

Resection Electrodes Aid Urologic Surgery
A new line of resection electrodes for urologic procedures will enable urologists to improve prostate health.

The Cook resection electrodes are intended for urologic procedures such as transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) and transurethral resection of bladder tumors (TURBT), with minimal bleeding, increased visibility, and decreased procedure time. Five different types of electrodes, compatible with all major brands of resectoscopes, are offered.

The resection electrode types include: a hand-crafted, temperature-resistant tungsten wire-cutting loop; a coagulating perforated resector that provides a 40% greater coagulation zone than standard cutting loops and performs cutting and coagulation simultaneously during tissue resection; a dimpled vaporization roller that offers a smoother area of vaporization than a grooved roller while providing deep-tissue coagulation; a roller ball and roller barrel, which are used for coagulation and ablation of soft tissue in the bladder and prostate (the roller ball may also be used for endometrial ablation in the uterus); and a Collings knife that allows urologists access to all areas of the prostate and is most commonly used for ureteral meatotomy and transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP). The resection electrodes are made by Cook Medical (Bloomington, IN, USA).

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