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【?2007-05-27 發布?】 美迪醫訊

      MH(惡性高熱)是一種靜息的、獲得性的肌肉代謝紊亂,觸發于吸入性麻醉或是注射琥珀膽堿麻醉后導致的高體溫。這項研究的目的確定一種更合適的加熱稀釋液的方法的可行性,加熱稀釋液的目的是為了將之于DS (丹曲洛林納)混合,從而為解救MH 的發作贏得寶貴的時間,并給藥解救。
      這項研究由Kevin Baker,他是位于溫哥華里齊蒙得(Richmond)街倫敦西區麻醉屬瑪麗醫院的麻醉護士以及其同事一起實施的。研究者發現通過加熱DS 稀釋液(無菌水)到41℃ 能安全的加快混合時間并快速解救MH 省去30秒或者更長的時間的DS準備過程(正常需要2分鐘),為了實施研究,在全國的醫院病房四周使用了兩種標準的流體加熱器。研究員會員Donna Landriscina———認定的注冊麻醉護士(CRNA)說:“每秒鐘我們就能治療一位病人”,這一研究表明,快速DS給藥是可能的,籍此,增加病人成功獲救的機會。
      診斷一個病人MH后要求在旁的施麻醉者快速反應。Kevin Baker說:“過去一線麻醉護士已經極大的提高了麻醉的安全性,未來幾十年,這一新的發現會進一步是患者受益。”
      來源于:美國麻醉護士協會American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA)


Malignant Hyperthermia: New Way to Speed Up Treatment
The intravenous administration of life-saving dantrolene sodium to anaesthesia patients with malignant hyperthermia

can occur significantly faster thanks to a new method of warming the diluent that is used to prepare the antrolene

sodium for use.
Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a silent, inherited metabolic disorder of the muscle that is triggered by specific

inhaled anaesthetics or succinylcholine and can result in a severely high body temperature. The study set out to

determine the possibility of a more expedient method of warming the diluent in order to mix it with dantrolene

sodium (DS), thus saving precious time between the onset of MH and the administration of DS.

The study was conducted by Kevin Baker, staff nurse anaesthetist for West End Anesthesia Group at St. Mary’s

Hospital in Richmond and colleagues. The researchers discovered that by warming the DS diluent (sterile water) to 41

degrees Celsius it safely lessoned the mixing time and resulted in faster treatment of patients suffering from MH.

Thirty seconds or more could be shaved off the DS preparation process, which normally takes two minutes. To conduct

the study, two standard fluid warmers were used that are typically found in hospital rooms around the country.

“Every second counts when treating a patient with malignant hyperthermia,” said research associate Donna

Landriscina, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA). “This research indicates that it is possible to

administer DS faster, thereby increasing the patient’s chances of a successful outcome.”

The diagnosis of malignant hyperthermia in a patient requires swift action on the part of the anaesthesia provider.

“For years, nurse anaesthetists have been on the forefront of research that has greatly enhanced anaesthesia

safety,” said Kevin Baker. “New discoveries of best practices such as this one will benefit patients for decades

to come.”

MEDICA.de; Source: American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA)

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