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膀胱控制:懸置手術更為有效 【?2007-05-30 發布?】 美迪醫訊
有研究對兩種治療壓力性尿失禁手術方法進行了對比,發現懸置手術的療效好于環形手術。 “全世界我們是第一次對這兩種方法在婦女中的療效仔細進行了比較。”國際糖尿病、消化和腎臟疾病研究院泌尿學專家Leroy M. Nyberg說。 壓力性尿失禁手術治療效果評估試驗發現,與陰道環形切開后縫合于骨盆以支撐尿道的治療方法相比,使用病人自身組織構建的懸帶置于尿道周圍起到附加的支撐作用的這種療法的效果要更好。 術后2年,47%的懸置手術婦女和38%的環形手術病人完全治愈。 壓力性尿失禁手術治療效果評估試驗隨機抽取了655名完全壓力性尿失禁病人或壓力性伴急性壓力性尿失禁病人,使她們接受懸置或環形手術。術后24個月后有520例試驗數據完全有效。大多數病人對療效滿意,那些接受懸置療法的病人尤其滿意。86%接受懸置療法的病人滿意,同有只有78%接受環形手術的病人滿意。 但是回顧兩者間的比較,接受懸置手術的病人副作用也更加普遍。最常見的副作用是尿道的感染,接受懸置法的婦女中有63%,而接受環形法的病人只有47%。 來源: NIH/National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Bladder Control: Sling Surgery Is More Effective A trial comparing two traditional operations for stress urinary incontinence in women, has found that a sling procedure helps more women achieve dryness than the Burch technique. "For the first time, we have a meticulous, relatively long-term comparison of these common surgeries in women," said Leroy M. Nyberg Jr., Ph.D., M.D., director of urology research at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The Stress Incontinence Surgical Treatment Efficacy Trial (SISTEr) found that significantly more women with a sling made from the patient’s own tissue and placed around the urethra for additional support were dry, compared to women with a Burch colposuspension, in which sutures are attached to a pelvic ligament to support the urethra. Two years after surgery, 47 percent of women who had the sling procedure and 38 percent who had a Burch were dry overall, including leakage that could have been caused by urge incontinence. Considering only stress-specific leakage, 66 percent of women with a sling and 49 percent with a Burch procedure were dry. SISTEr randomized 655 women with either pure stress urinary incontinence (SUI) or a combination of stress and urge incontinence to receive a fascial sling or a Burch. Complete information on measures used to assess urinary incontinence was available for 520 participants 24 months after surgery. While most women in the study were satisfied with the results of treatment, those with a sling were significantly more satisfied. Eighty-six percent with a sling were satisfied, compared to 78 percent of the Burch group. Side effects were more common among women with slings, tempering the positive results of the procedure. The most common side effect was urinary tract infections, which occurred in 63 percent of women with a sling and 47 percent of the Burch group. Women with a sling also had more voiding problems (14 percent versus 2 percent) and persistent urge incontinence, the loss of urine just before feeling a strong, sudden urge to empty the bladder (27 percent versus 20 percent). MEDICA.de; Source: NIH/National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases 《美迪醫訊》歡迎您參與新聞投稿,業務咨詢: 美迪醫療網業務咨詢《上海醫療器械批發》產品推薦
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