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自身免疫疾病:Feldmann Wins獲獎 【?2007-05-31 發布?】 美迪醫訊
Marc Feldmann教授在歐洲發明家大會上被授予終身成就獎。他在確定自身免疫疾病諸如關節炎自身免疫發病機制上做出了巨大的貢獻。 Feldmann來自倫敦帝國大學Kennedy風濕病研究中心。他發現了自身免疫疾病細胞交流時分子反應的關鍵因子,就是我們現在說的細胞因子。細胞因子通常是由患病細胞為激發相反-效應所釋放的蛋白質。Feldmann發現在自身免疫疾病中,增高計數的細胞因子也存在于其它健康細胞周圍。這可解釋病人關節周圍風濕炎性區域為什么會發生聚集反應。 1991年,Feldmann教授和他的協作者發現所有不同的細胞因子在僅阻斷一種的情況下終止其全部效應,這種因子就是腫瘤壞死因子。1992年,Kennedy研究中心內第一次成功對風濕性關節炎病人做了試驗。通過使用腫瘤移植壞死因子阻斷劑后,試驗結果取得巨大的成功,護士憑肉眼就能判斷。 自從1995年這種方法申請后。腫瘤壞死因子抑制劑已經作為治療風濕性關節炎及其他自身免疫疾病中止炎癥和組織-破壞途經的主要選擇方案。 這是第二次授予歐洲發明獎,是由歐盟辦公室委員會頒發的。這項獎勵肯定那些在歐洲科技進步上有長遠貢獻的創新者。獎項的確立由獨立的國際仲裁委員會決定。 來源: Imperial College London Autoimmune Diseases: Feldmann Wins Award Professor Marc Feldmann was honoured with a lifetime achievement award at the European Inventor of the Year awards for his work identifying why autoimmune diseases such as arthritis cause the immune system to fight itself. Feldmann, from the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology at Imperial College London, discovered that the key to autoimmune diseases lay in molecules responsible for cell communication, known as cytokines. Cytokines are normally released by diseased cells for the purpose of alerting the immune system to initiate a counter-response. Feldmann discovered that in autoimmune diseases, highly increased cytokine counts also exist around otherwise healthy cells. This explained the body’s aggressive reaction in areas of arthritic inflammation around patients’ joints. In 1991, Professor Feldmann and his colleagues found that all the different cytokines could be stopped by blocking one kind, Tumour Necrosis Factor (TNF)a. In 1992, the first series of successful trials were run with rheumatoid arthritis patients at the Kennedy Institute. The improvements in patients’ health were so dramatic that the nurses could identify by mere sight which patients had been given a placebo and which had received TNFa blockers. Since the method was patented in 1995, TNFa inhibitors have become the therapy of choice for stopping the inflammatory and tissue-destructive pathways of rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. This is the second time that outstanding inventors were honoured with the European Inventor of the Year award, which is instituted by the EU Commission and European Patent Office (EPO). The awards recognise innovators and innovations that have made a significant and lasting contribution to technical development in Europe and beyond, and thus strengthened Europe’s economic position. The finalists were selected by an independent high-profile international jury. MEDICA.de; Source: Imperial College London 《美迪醫訊》歡迎您參與新聞投稿,業務咨詢: 美迪醫療網業務咨詢
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