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免疫組化技術使得原位生物標記分析可行 【?2007-06-06 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種自動的定量免疫組化(IHC)技術使得病理學原位生物標記分析成為可能。 一項已經向耶魯大學申請并在HistoRx公司投入了實踐。此項中主要包括了操作步驟,尤其是不同組織部分的固定方法 ,不同組織中細胞特殊部位生物標記的定量表達不同。此項受保護的成果是由David Rimm博士首先發明的。 HistoRx公司的CEO說:“HistoRx公司已經做好了提供此項檢測的準備,熒光IHC方法,以及數碼成像技術所形成的多參數分析方 法可在病人治療前對病人的各個部分進行分析。另有許多獨立的研究表明免疫組化技術在藥物研究和發展方面也能起到巨大的作用。 ” “我們相信這項技術能在藥物研究中起到顯著的作用,因為這種技術能快速確定藥物對接受藥物的個體來說是否有效。”發明者 Rimm 和 Camp博士堅持認為。“除外,我們相信這項技術能為病理學家提供大量有價值的信息,出于腫瘤和其它復雜疾病診斷和預后 上的考慮。” HistoRx公司正在研發并使先進的定量組織病理技術商品化,使蛋白生物標記物在其組織內定位和定量成為可能。此技術能檢測 生物標記物亞細胞水平的濃度,并能產生更加準確、有效、信價比最好的結果。 HistoRx同時推出了獨立的基于此技術的診斷方法,利用此技術發展而來的多參數方法能為復雜疾病提供預后方面的信息。 來源:medinews.com Immunohistochemical Technology Enables in situ Biomarker Analysis An automated quantitative immunohistochemical (IHC) technology enables in-situ biomarker analysis for pathology. A U.S. patent has been issued to Yale University (New Haven, CT, USA) and is exclusively licensed to HistoRx (New Haven, CT, USA). The patent claims the Aqua technology process, particularly the Place (pixel locale assignment for compartmentalization of expression) method, whereby biomarker expression is quantified in specific compartments of cells in tissue sections such as biopsies. The invention protected by this patent is the result of work pioneered by David Rimm, M.D., Ph.D., and Robert Camp, M.D., Ph.D., both from Yale University School of Medicine. Rana K. Gupta, Interim CEO of HistoRx said, "HistoRx is already applying Aqua analysis, fluorescent IHC methods, and digital imaging techniques to develop multiparametric assays to segment patients prior to therapy. The rapidly increasing number of independent, peer-reviewed scientific publications confirms the growing recognition of the utility of the Aqua technology in drug research and development." "We are gratified to see this patent granted because we believe Aqua technology will play a significant role in the emergence of companion diagnostics by making it possible to ensure that individual patients receive the drug that is most likely to be effective," stated the inventors, Drs. Rimm and Camp. "In addition, we believe this technology will provide the pathologist with significantly enhanced and valuable information for diagnosis and prognosis of cancer and other complex diseases." HistoRx is developing and commercializing pioneering quantitative histopathology technology that provides exceptional measurement and localization of protein biomarkers in their natural context within tissue. The Aqua technology is capable of measuring biomarker concentration with subcellular resolution to generate more precise, efficient, and cost-effective answers about the safety and effectiveness of new therapeutics in development as well as enable the development of companion diagnostic tests for targeted therapies. HistoRx is also developing independent diagnostics using Aqua technology that will utilize the multiparametric approach offered by the technology to impact prognosis and treatment decisions of complex diseases. Related Links: Yale University HistoRx 《美迪醫訊》歡迎您參與新聞投稿,業務咨詢: 美迪醫療網業務咨詢《上海醫療器械批發》產品推薦
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