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使用64-切片CT評估冠心病的國際性實驗 【?2007-06-06 發布?】 美迪醫訊
這是目前最大的臨床實驗研究,評價在心臟導管,一種高昂且侵入性的診斷技術的比較下,64-切片計算機斷層掃描技術是否可 作為檢測心血管疾病和紊亂的主要診斷工具。 目前,病人的登記工作已經完成,可得到統計學上可信賴的數據。東芝美國醫療系統公司已經完成了對7個國家400例病人的檢測 。目前已得到的數據表明,CT與心導管檢測技術相比,在檢測理想上有積極的意義。 由約翰霍普金斯大學指導的一項研究也表明64-切片CT可使病人獲利。 本項大規模的實驗包括7個國家的9個研究單位。按照東芝CT高級主管Doug Ryan所說,64-切片CT臨床研究試驗與先前的類似研究 相比采用的是不同的方法。 這歸功于本研究開創性的研究設計,被稱作是國際性、跨中心研究,避免了早期研究聚焦于一個地理地區或較少的樣本所帶來的 誤差。 來源: medinews.com International Trial to Evaluate Coronary Artery Disease with 64-Slice CT One of the largest trials ever initiated is evaluating the use of 64-slice multi-slice computed tomography (CT) technology as the primary diagnostic tool for detecting cardiovascular disease and disorders, as compared to cardiac catheterization, an expensive invasive technique. The trial抯 enrollment completion signifies that the study of all patient participants has finished, resulting in the most statistically reliable data available to date. Toshiba America Medical Systems, Inc. (Tustin, CA, USA) has completed of enrollment for 400 patients in its CorE 64 (Coronary Evaluation on 64) study taking place across seven countries. Data collected to date from CorE 64 indicates that CT holds a positive position as a diagnostic option to cardiac catheterization, and has the potential to change the delivery of healthcare. 揥e expect CorE 64 findings to impact the overall reimbursement guidelines for multi-slice CT, resulting in greater patient access to these exams and to have significant economic benefits for 64-slice CT,?explained Toshihiro Rifu, senior fellow, Toshiba Medical Systems. 揂dditional benefits from this study are already evidenced by the use of CorE 64抯 preliminary data in two ancillary studies by Johns Hopkins University [Baltimore, MD, USA] presented at American College of Cardiology [ACC] annual meeting.? The CorE 64 multi-center study participants include nine sites across seven countries. According to Toshiba抯 senior director of CT, Doug Ryan, the CorE 64 clinical trial utilizes a different approach when compared to previous studies on the topic. This is attributed in large part to the study抯 novel design, which calls for an international, multi-center approach, bypassing limitations associated with earlier studies that focus on one geographic area or utilize smaller patient populations. 揅orE 64 is the first trial that evaluates all of its 400 study participants who are between 50 and 70% stenotic, resulting in statistically significant data,?noted Mr. Ryan. 揥e anticipate CorE 64 will set a precedent for all future CT trials conducted by Toshiba and by other leaders in the medical field.?/td> Related Links: Toshiba America Medical Systems 《美迪醫訊》歡迎您參與新聞投稿,業務咨詢: 美迪醫療網業務咨詢
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