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首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > 最新活細胞為基礎的分析方法可同時檢測多項代謝參數 |
最新活細胞為基礎的分析方法可同時檢測多項代謝參數 【?2007-06-06 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種基于活細胞的分析方法可同時檢測多項代謝參數諸如,酸化度、氧耗量以及活細胞的粘附性。 根據實驗的參數可以觀察到代謝和細胞毒性效應。酸化度與細胞能量代謝密切相關。細胞產生一個酸性細胞外環境是由于營養物 轉變為能量后剩余的產物造成的。氧氣是ATP合成所必需的。氧氣消耗速率與細胞能量代謝也密切相關。細胞因對測試物的反應不同 改變其形狀和粘附性。 德國Bionas2500分析系統可檢測高特異性的信號。細胞直接培養于Bionas代謝芯片SC1000上。這種硅芯片配備可檢測酸化度、氧 氣消耗量、以及粘附性等參數的感受器。 Bionas 2500分析系統可同時檢測6塊芯片。可在長時間內連續檢測。細胞對劑量和時間的反應可被檢測。細胞代謝和細胞再生也 可同時被檢測。 Bionas 2500分析系統允許用戶分析藥物動態變化效應。 此檢測系統不需要標記并且是無損傷的并且在揭示更深層次細胞功能方面要比終點分析方法好得多。 來源:medinews.com Live Cell-Based Assay Measures Multiple Metabolic Parameters Simultaneously A live cell-based assay measures multiple metabolic parameters such as acidification, oxygen consumption, and adhesion of living cells simultaneously. Metabolic and cytotoxic effects can be visualized as changes of these parameters in dependence of test compounds. Acidification is closely linked to the cellular energy metabolism. Cells develop an acidic extracellular environment as a result of breaking nutrients into energy and waste products. Oxygen is necessary for adenosine triphosphate- (ATP)-generation. The rate of oxygen consumption is also closely linked to the cellular energy metabolism. Cells change their morphology and adhesion in response to test compounds. The Bionas (Rostock, Germany) 2500 analyzing system allows highly specific signal detection. Bionas metabolic chip SC1000 cells are cultured directly on Bionas metabolic chips SC1000.The silicon chips are equipped with sensors for acidification, oxygen consumption, and adhesion to allow online monitoring of these metabolic parameters. Six metabolic chips can be analyzed in parallel with the Bionas 2500 analyzing system. The measurements are carried out continuously over long time periods at a high temporal resolution. Both the dose response and the time course of cellular response can be investigated. Cell metabolism and cell regeneration can be observed in the same assay. The Bionas 2500 analyzing system allows the user to analyze pharmacodynamic effects: cell metabolism and cell regeneration in the same assay, analysis of dose response and time course of cellular response, and highly specific signal detection. The system is label-free and non-invasive and reveals a deeper insight in cellular function than possible with endpoint-based assays. Related Links: Bionas 《美迪醫訊》歡迎您參與新聞投稿,業務咨詢: 美迪醫療網業務咨詢
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