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首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Agfa健康醫療機構與ICW宣布在電子健康方面進行共同合作 |
Agfa健康醫療機構與ICW宣布在電子健康方面進行共同合作 【?2007-06-07 發布?】 美迪醫訊
比利時的Agfa健康醫療機構,是一家提供臨床信息服務和診斷圖像系統的IT公司。InterComponentWare(ICW)公司是一家德國的電子健康公司,宣布他們將進行合作。 這項協議覆蓋了整合Agfa公司的醫院信息系統(HIS)和ICW公司的電子健康框架。 電子健康系統通過允許醫療提供者因針對個體進行某項治療而共享所有相關病人醫療檔案(諸如簡要的過敏史和病歷)來提高整個醫療的服務水平。這便于醫生見到有關病人的所有醫學記錄,無論身處何地,并能提供診斷和治療上的意見。 ICW健康框架是健康市場服務-導向系統發展的一個開放平臺。它提供整合其他廠家現存的應用系統所擬出的標準方案。電子健康框架使系統應用間的無縫連接成為可能,使得不同的現存系統可以整合成一個相互協調的系統。 這個協議將增加Agfa公司在電子健康領域的市場份額。該公司已經成功連接了歐洲不同的醫院集團。 此協議擴展了雙方在醫療同一個領域的市場空間。ICW可以將所有器材生產廠家聯合起來,成員單位可根據其興趣對自身進行發展。 Agfa公司總裁Philippe Houssiau解釋道,兩家公司的合作是互補的。 來源:medinews.com Agfa HealthCare and ICW Announce eHealth Collaboration Agfa HealthCare (Mortsel, Belgium), a leading provider of information technology- (IT)-enabled clinical workflow and diagnostic imaging systems, and InterComponentWare AG (ICW; Walldorf, Germany), an eHealth specialist, announced that they are intensifying their co-operation efforts. The non-exclusive agreement covers the development of integration and interoperability between Agfa HealthCare抯 hospital information system (HIS) Orbis and ICW抯 eHealth Framework. EHealth systems are geared at improving the overall quality of care by allowing healthcare providers to share all relevant patient medical data for an individual in treatment (such as highlighting allergies and medication history). This allows a treating physician to see the total medical record of the patient, regardless of location, and provides support in diagnosis and treatment planning. The ICW eHealth Framework is an open platform for the development of service-oriented systems for the healthcare market. It offers standardized interfaces for the integration of existing applications of other manufacturers with systems from ICW. The eHealth Framework enables seamless integration, allowing different existing systems to be combined into one consistent system. The non-exclusive agreement will strengthen Agfa HealthCare抯 expanding position in the eHealth market. The company has already successfully linked its Orbis systems among different facilities of hospital groups in Europe, and offers the possibility for integration of its applications with general practitioner software vendors. The agreement is an extension of an ongoing co-operation between the two companies on homogeneity issues in the hospital sector. The many years of experience of ICW developing and using its own eHealth systems have been incorporated into the eHealth Framework. It is the foundation for all product developments at ICW, and is offered to interested partners for their own development purposes. Philippe Houssiau, president of Agfa HealthCare, explained, 揟he solutions of Agfa HealthCare and ICW supplement each other optimally. Agfa HealthCare has outstandingly positioned HIS, RIS [radiology information system], and PACS [picture archiving and communications system] solutions.? InterComponentWare develops and distributes software and hardware components for the healthcare IT infrastructure for electronic health cards, LifeSensor personal health records, as well as networking systems for hospitals and physician offices. Agfa HealthCare, a member of the Agfa-Gevaert Group, is a leading provider of IT-enabled clinical workflow and image management systems, and advanced systems for capturing, processing, and printing images in hospitals and healthcare facilities. Related Links: Agfa HealthCare InterComponentWare 《美迪醫訊》歡迎您參與新聞投稿,業務咨詢: 美迪醫療網業務咨詢更多關于 Agfa健康醫療機構 InterComponentWare(ICW) 的新聞《上海醫療器械批發》產品推薦
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