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MRI對新診斷的乳腺癌患者可決定其是否需要改變手術治療方法 【?2007-06-08 發布?】 美迪醫訊
在那些新近被診斷為乳腺癌的婦女,核磁共振(MRI)可協助決定這些病人是否有必要改變手術方案。 根據美國西北大學的一項研究,新近診斷為乳腺癌的病人另一側乳腺可能也存在隱藏著的腫瘤。 如果這些隱藏著的腫瘤在手術切除首次發現的腫瘤前就能被發現,則手術的方案可能會改變。比如,如果在同一側乳腺發現其它腫瘤,外科醫生可進行全乳腺切除術,而不是部分切除乳腺或是切除乳腺的大部分。如果腫瘤在另一側乳腺也被發現,可對兩側乳腺同時進行手術。 然而,常規MRI對于新發的活檢確定的乳腺癌的作用仍然不清楚,具體的觀點發表在2007年5月出版的外科檔案雜志。 西北大學的Karl Y. Bilimoria博士和他的同事們評價了155例通過乳腺X光、超聲以及針吸活檢新近確定的乳癌患者。這些婦女是2005年4月到2006年4月間確定的,病人來到醫院向外科醫生咨詢,咨詢后對患者雙側乳腺進行掃描。如果MRI確定新發現的腫瘤活檢后是惡性或是可疑的,病人將重新回到外科醫生那里制定新的手術方案。 研究表明,通過MRI能改變23.2% 新診斷乳腺癌病人的最初治療方案。這包括有10例病人進行了全乳腺切除而不是部分切除,21例病人與首次診療相比,切除了更多的組織,另有5例病人進行了雙側乳腺的切除。 手術進行后,研究學者比較了腫瘤的實際性質和起初X光或超聲以及MRI診斷的結果。手術方案的改變對于那些MRI診斷結果和病理結果相類似的患者來說無疑是獲益的。研究中有36例患者由于MRI結果而改變手術方案,15例病人因手術方案的改變而獲益,其MRI診斷與最終的病理報告是相同的。 來源:medinews.com Breast MRI Beneficial in Determining Surgical Treatment for Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer Among women who are newly diagnosed with breast cancer, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the breast appears helpful in determining surgical treatment. Women who have been newly diagnosed with breast cancer are at risk of having another, hidden tumor in the same or opposite breast, according to the researchers from the Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University (Chicago, IL, USA). If these additional tumors are detected before surgery to remove the initially diagnosed tumor, the plan for surgical treatment of the disease can be altered. For instance, if an additional tumor is found in the same breast, a surgeon can perform a mastectomy (removal of the whole breast) instead of a lumpectomy (removal of a part of the breast) or remove a larger amount of tissue during a lumpectomy. If cancer is detected in the other breast, surgery can be performed on both breasts at once. however, the impact of routine MRI on the surgical management of new, biopsy-proven breast cancers remains unclear,?the investigators wrote in their article, which was published in the May 2007 issue of the journal Archives of Surgery. Karl Y. Bilimoria, M.D., and colleagues at the Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern evaluated 155 women with breast cancer newly diagnosed by mammogram, ultrasound, and needle biopsy. The women, who were diagnosed between April 2005 and April 2006, went to a single surgeon who performed an assessment and developed a plan for the surgical management of the disease. After this consultation, MRI scanning was performed on both breasts. If the MRI identified new tumors that were found to be malignant or suspicious after a biopsy, patients went back to the surgeon for a re-evaluation of the surgical plan. Breast MRI detected a total of 124 additional suspicious areas in 73 patients. breast MRI altered the surgical management of patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer in 36 (23.2%) of 155 patients,?the authors wrote. This included 10 patients who had a mastectomy instead of lumpectomy, 21 women whose lumpectomy removed more tissue than first planned, and five patients who had surgery on both breasts. Following surgery, the researchers compared the actual appearance of the tumor to the original mammogram or ultrasound and also to the MRI. The alteration in surgical management was considered beneficial if pathologic findings correlated with the MRI more closely than they matched mammography or ultrasonography. of the 36 women who had a change in surgical management based on MRI findings, 15 were found to have a beneficial change when MRI findings were confirmed on the final pathologic report,?the investigators reported. Related Links: Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University 《美迪醫訊》歡迎您參與新聞投稿,業務咨詢: 美迪醫療網業務咨詢
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